Home OP-ED Keeping our Community Clean and Green

Keeping our Community Clean and Green


First of two parts

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Price, Los Angeles City Councilman for the Ninth District, mainly South Los Angeles, since July 1, six months ago yesterday, is a Democrat formerly representing Culver City and southwest L.A. in the state Legislature.]


Santa Curren Price with two of his youngest constituents

I am reflecting on all 2013 has brought with it as we launched our “New Ninth” office. From starting targeted cleanup efforts to opening new parks and passing exciting new legislation, we have stayed busy for six months and one day. We expect to be even busier this year, building on our successes and tackling new projects.

The key to transforming our streets and neighborhoods begins with community beautification. Immediately after taking office we began these efforts, convening a task force of city departments to address blight and trash in CD 9. We have met regularly to discuss specific challenges and to coordinate resources and services tackle clean-up efforts in alleys and street corridors more efficiently.

Our Community Cleanup Campaign hit the ground running this year, with three cleanup projects successfully completed since July 1. Each cleanup included between 50 and100 volunteers from the community, as well as city staff. This has resulted in 10 tons of trash, bulky items and abandoned vehicles being removed. Additionally, six blighted properties have been rehabilitated and nearly 1.25 thousand square feet of graffiti removed. Our community beautification efforts we will be expanded in 2014. Earlier this year we successfully allocated some $400,000 for targeted cleanup efforts which will allow us to tackle more blight, graffiti and trash in our community. This program will also create needed jobs for youth in the community.

We have begun efforts to improve and expand green space in the Ninth. For years, the Trinity Recreation Center had been neglected. It served as a spawning ground for illicit activity. I have committed to working with the surrounding community to reclaim this space.

We recently opened the new children's playground, we have ordered new security cameras, and we plan to bring more new features this year. Last month we opened a brand new pocket park on Wall Street. This replaced a blighted, abandoned home with brand new playground equipment that kids in the community are enjoying.

I am a strong believer that community gardens help plant the seeds of change in our neighborhoods, allowing us to reclaim our community, engage our neighbors and to replace blight with beauty.

This year we have made community gardens a cornerstone of our beautification efforts. I have helped expand and to open several community gardens in our community. We have plans for more this year. We supported the efforts at the St. John's Well Child & Family Clinic where 60 garden boxes were planted along 58th Street and Slauson Avenue. School garden projects have been initiated at John Adams Middle School and Manual Arts High School. This month we intend to start a new garden at the Avalon Gardens Housing Project.

(To be continued tomorrow)

Mr. Price may be contacted at councilmember.price@lacity.org