Home OP-ED James Camp Says Greuel Has Explaining to Do

James Camp Says Greuel Has Explaining to Do


[Editor’s Note: Earlier this month, Los Angeles mayoralty candidate Kevin James reported that alleged ethical violations had been found in perusals of the daily calendars of rival contender Wendy Greuel, the City Controller. This commentary is an outgrowth of that finding.]

Forty-two days remain until the March 5 primary election in the Los Angeles mayoralty campaign, and WendyWatch is back.

We will be taking a closer look at a day in the life of City Controller Wendy Greuel, based upon her official calendars she has so graciously provided (only six months after they were requested of course, and with time periods missing).

We will be “reminiscing,” helping Wendy remember the things she may have forgotten throughout the past few years as the City Controller, all on the taxpayer dime of course. 

Whether it's campaigning for Mayor, “maximizing” her city staff's time during work hours for her campaign, her past performance on the City Council or her many audits that have highlighted the failed policies she implemented while she was on Council, we hope you will find upcoming editions informative.

Date: Fri, January 22, 2010

10:30 a.m. Conference Call with Kathy Spillar, Feminist Majority Foundation Re DNA Rape Kits WG to Call
The Rub: Wendy Greuel was a sitting City Council member when the rape kit backlog issue was first brought before the City Council. Countless Los Angeles residents spoke about their concern regarding the backlog, and the Council, including Ms. Greuel,  continued to ignore the issue.

It was not until entertainment lawyer and then a radio broadcaster Kevin James joined other media outlets to publicize the issue that the rape kit backlog was finally addressed.

In fact, then-City Controller Laura Chick was the first elected official to address the backlogs when her office conducted an audit on the nearly 7,000 backlogged rape kits.
Question: Why was Wendy Greuel having a conference call with the Feminist Majority Foundation in 2010 when she was part of the reason why the rape kit backlogs existed in 2008?

Mr. Corless, campaign manager for Mr. James, may be contacted at jeff@venturestrategic.com