Home OP-ED Is the Black Caucus Chaining Down Black Americans? Just Asking.

Is the Black Caucus Chaining Down Black Americans? Just Asking.


Fellow Americans:

Following is an outstanding summary of the facts defining the Republican and Democratic parties as sent to the Black Caucus of Congress by retired Navy Chief Geoff Ross.

Dear Members of the Black Caucus:


Just a few questions from the retired Navy Senior Chief.

(1) Do you agree with the King family that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a member of the Republican Party because it was this group of people that consistently fought for freedom and civil rights for black Americans since 1854? (2) Do you agree the Republican Party was formed on a platform of the “Anti-Slavery” Party ?

(3) Do you agree that the Democrat Party formed the Klu Klux Klan in 1866?

(4) Do you agree the Democrat Party has opposed the passage of every civil rights law from passing from 1860 through 1965 ?

(5) Will you accept the fact it was the Republican Party that freed blacks from slavery by amending the Constitution to grant blacks their freedom and citizenship under the 13th and 14th amendments ?

(6) Do you agree that the Republican Party passed the 15th Amendment, giving blacks the right to vote against intense Democrat opposition ?

(7) Can you explain why in 1866, 94 percent of all Republican senators and 96 percent of all GOP House members approved the 14th Amendment but every single Congressional Democrat voted No ?

(8) Can you explain why 18 Senate Democrats in 1960 filibustered for five days President Eisenhower's and the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act ?

(9) Why did President Kennedy, then Sen. Kennedy, and Sen. Al Gore Sr. vote against the 1957 Civil Rights Act ?

(10) Why did President Kennedy and U.S. Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy wiretap Dr. King’s phone lines ?

(11) Did you know it was the Republican Party that created the NAACP ?

(12) Did you know that President Nixon (R) created and set up the timetable for Affirmative Action to counter President Woodrow Wilson's (D) firing all blacks from the federal government in 1912 ?

(13) Did you know it was those fat cat, evil, rich Republican bigots that financed and set up the first black colleges in the United States ?

(14) Did you know the media give all the credit to the Democrats for the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, but it was Republican Sen. Everett Dirksen who rallied enough senators to invoke cloture to allow passage of the bill after a filibuster by former Ku Klux Klan Sen. Robert Byrd (D) and 22 other Democrats that lasted 14 hours?

(15) Did you know that President Gerald Ford (R) in 1975 promoted Daniel James and Roscoe Robinson as the Air Force and Army’s first four-star generals?

(16) Did you know that President Ronald Reagan (R), on Nov. 2, 1983, designated the first honor on a black American to making Dr. King's birthday a national holiday?

(17) Did you know President George H. W. Bush (R) appointed Gen. Colin Powell as the first black Secretary of State?

(18) Did you know that President George W. Bush (R) named Condoleeza Rice as the first black National Security Council Chief, and then our second black Secretary of State? Yes,it’s all Bush's fault. We know, the same old bologna from the Left.

(19) Did you know it was Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd who referred to Dr. King as a “troublemaker.” He said: “He starts trouble, but runs like a coward after trouble is ignited.”

(20) Did you know that “there is nothing more to be discovered in physics now. (?) All that remains is a more precise measurement.” Lord Kelvin said that in 1894. He is right. Applying physics to politics is simple. Democrats defy the laws of physics. They have no mass, weight or body.

And lastly:

(21) Why do some people demand reparations for former black slaves? Surely these reparations should come from the (a) the Democrat Party for supporting slavery or (b) the black slave masters in Africa, like the king of the African kingdom of Ashanti. Let’s all file a lawsuit against the black Muslim former slave traders who gave up their own people to the white traders. Leave me and the rest of America out of it.

Thanks, and pass this list around. You might learn something in the Black Caucus while you bash whitey, condemn capitalism and subjugate your fellow black Americans with the promises of more welfare, more handouts, more dependency on the government instead of freedom and individual liberty for our fellow black Americans.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross USN (Ret.) may be contacted at seniorchief_ross_usn_ret@hotmail.com

Mr. Rosebrock, himself a Veteran, may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com