Home OP-ED Is ‘Innocence of…’ Movie Anti-Islamic, Anti-Semitic or Both?

Is ‘Innocence of…’ Movie Anti-Islamic, Anti-Semitic or Both?


Attn.: Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief, Los Angeles Times:

Your L.A. City Hall reporters David Zahniser and Kate Linthicum sure got caught napping at their desks on Friday, June 29, when I warned the City Council that the announced showing of “Innocence of Bin Laden” the following evening could lead to violence.

I asked for an immediate investigation.

The Council turned a blind eye. The same City Council reaction to a plea for condemnation of this hate movie took place last Friday.

Now the whole world is watching the L.A. City Council video of the early warning on June 29 of the inevitable violence that would result.

That prescient warning – to Council President/mayoralty candidate Eric Garcetti and his colleagues – by hollywoodhighlands.org, came from me.

The Times described me as a human insect, a “gadfly,” under the noses of two Times reporters.

That embarrassing video of my appearance, under the California Brown Act-mandated public comment portion, was just shown on Geraldo Rivera’s Fox News Channel program.

Do You Believe This?

Has the Times gone along with the Big Lie that “Innocence” was an anti-Islamic film backed by Jews?

When I called the movie anti-Semitic on June 29 at City Council, the film’stitle proclaimed Bin Laden innocent, not a popular opinion among Jews and Christians anytime.

Also on Sunday night, the Fox News Channel also showed a featured actress in the movie who sat with the original script in hand and told Geraldo and the world that the producer said to her during the shoot that the movie should be blamed on the Jews.

Will we see that quote anytime soon in the Times?

Nakoula B. Nakoula is a Coptic Christian who seems to share the anti-Semitism of al-Quaeda.

The actress in question gave Fox an exclusive interview.

Once again, the Time is ignoring the anti-Semitism involved with this movie. She said the anti-Islamic dialogue was dubbed in later.

How many versions of this movie are there?

Quite peculiar for a movie that has not sold a single ticket anywhere on planet earth.

I may be the only person to even attempt to buy a theatre ticket to “Innocence of Bin Laden.”

The producer says the film cost $5 million.

Who were the movie’s deep, deep pocket investors? They took a bath. But they are awfully quiet, aren’t they?

Rife with FBI Types?

The sign in the glass cage at the theatre that night said the admission price was $7. When I walked up, my money was refused because the showing was canceled.

Mr. Maahraj, if you have any issues about the veracity of my account that night, please refer them to the FBI.

Daily Beast reporter Christine Pelisek says the Vine Street theatre vicinity was loaded with undercover FBI agents the night of the premiere.

Maybe the FBI will share with you a portion of the surveillance video that captures my attempt to buy a ticket.

Times reporters were raising doubts that the “Innocence of Bin Laden” poster I purported to see in the outer lobby that evening was my imagination – until a photo of the lobby poster showed up on Friday.

A different “Innocence of Bin Laden” poster photo has shown up at the Daily Kos website.

Once again the Times is sleeping at the wheel.

Our website went viral last Friday, as we have reported – following the TalkingPoints Memo post that even the Times had to aggregate/copycat or look like fools. .

If the Times had covered the movie story as I asked in an email on June 28, it inevitably would have been the focus of major negative attention. Very likely, YouTube would have refused to allow that lengthy of an excerpt to be seen.

Much or all of the worldwide bloodshed might have been avoided.

On national television Sunday night, Geraldo Rivera called me “a Hollywood character, a former teacher, a blogger.”

That is accurate. Compare Geraldo’s description to your one-word label of me in last Friday’s Headline, “Gadfly.”

Some would say this is inaccurate. I do regard myself as a human being worthy of respect, not a gadfly, Mr. Maharaj.

I am sure your father, a well-known Caribbean labor leader, would ahve agreed with me. The Times has been disappointing, particularly oflate.


A faithful subscriber.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywoodhighlands.org