Home OP-ED In Response to Mr. Wattree

In Response to Mr. Wattree


Re “Obama: What’s the Difference Between Zionism and Racism?”

I debated lengthily this morning before approving for publication my colleague Mr. Wattree’s nearby extraordinarily scurrilous, almost uncontrollably inaccurate and woefully uninformed screed against Jews.

I hope the putative, inexcusable ignorance of history, his sweeping and almost unique misreading, was not intentional.

For sheer dishonesty, the essay is comparable to the notorious “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Sadly, this is the first time the newspaper deliberately has published an irretrievably distorted account of anyone’s history, fueled by uncommon rage, fiery hatred.

For Mr. Wattree’s peace of mind, it is unfortunate that he views life exclusively through a racial prism of good vs. evil.

The volume nearly always is at a maximum.

And there is hardly anyone besides Mr. Wattree’s people on Mr. Wattree’s side.

I shall presume, for example, Mr. Wattree never had heard of Leo Pinsker before he embarrassed himself by identifying him as the founder of Zionism. Based on his essay, Mr. Wattree is blissfully unaware of ground-level facts of the history of Jews or Israel, which should be an overpowering reason for never again publicly mentioning Jews or the Jewish state.

Scientists don’t do literature.

The unschooled, especially when unarmed, should not seek to emulate scholars.

Mr. Wattree’s essay was published because it represents the convictions and wishes of a significant portion of our population.

That goes to one of the rudimentary reasons this newspaper exists:

To present all news with strength, reliability and objectivity, and to provide responsibly provocative commentary, left and right, for all corners of our readership.