Home OP-ED I Want to Enlighten My Brother

I Want to Enlighten My Brother


Responding to Tuesday’s letter from Robert Zirgulis. I call him Mr. Z. He is a candidate for the School Board again.

I have some history with Z from my stroll for the School Board.



“I was pedaling on a canal bike paddle boat on the canals of old town Amsterdam the other day; I couldn’t help but notice how many bikes are parked along the canals.

“Municipalities and schools create an environment and infrastructure that encourages bike riding. Bike lanes are everywhere. Very importantly, special parking stands are built just for bikes.

“It dawned on me we could alleviate a lot of the traffic congestion at the schools if we encouraged more students to bike to school. We could do this by having more bike lanes and most importantly have plenty of bike racks.

“If I am elected to the School Board, I will be making a proposal to the School Board that they work with the city in getting redevelopment funds and federal grants for installing bike racks throughout the city and our schools.”

I feel obligated to enlighten my brother on Culver City-style politics:

Selfishness, Ignorance, Greed and Stupidity.




“At issue was the ‘Safe Routes to School’ program, which once seemed harmless and straightforward. Supposedly without controversy, Safe Routes is promoting the virtues of children walking, skateboarding or bicycling to school as the desirable alternative to parental carpooling every day into vehicular mayhem that makes dropoffs and pickups at all campuses resemble the Last Day of the World.

“Meanwhile, the commendable Safe Routes to School plan suddenly has become more complex than the Sacramento budget or whatever is going on in Amsterdam this morning. ‘Implementing this will be incredibly complicated if not sordid,’ School Board member Steve Gourley said.”


Let me also register my disappointment with the delay of the “Safe Routes to School” grant.

Given the lead time necessary to implement any proposal once approved, it is very discouraging to hear that there will be yet another delay. I dread the next injury of a child (or adult) in our neighborhood and hope that the city and School Board are prepared for the kind of litigation likely to result from not taking timely action.

I rest my case.

Mr. Abrams, a former School Board candidate, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com