Home OP-ED I Love You, I Love You So Much

I Love You, I Love You So Much


On the third consecutive morning that the Los Angeles Titanic uncorked a tongue bath all over the wetly kissed face of an elected official running on a liberal ticket for mayor in Tuesday’s Los Angeles primary, the newspaper launched yet another hit piece on the lone Republican on the ticket.

Unsurprisingly, the Titanic’s latest hit specialist Jimmy (Ah Hate Republicans) Rainey, and Seamy Seema Mehta, were found at the bottom of the anti-Kevin James woodpile.

For the third straight morning, the Titanic examined a candidate in office since the turn of the century, City Councilman Eric Garcetti, and made two findings:

  • Being their boy, the candidate they have endorsed, they concluded he has not committed a single error in office.
  • He has led an exemplary life, possibly making him the first Jew eligible for Christian sainthood while still among the living.

Kathy Linthicum, the reporter, could have been forgiven for confusing Mr. Garcetti’s myriad identities. At dozens of candidate forums, depending on the color of faces in the audience, I have heard him claim to be a piece of every ethnicity on the planet except for a scalp-shlepping Injun and a starving pygmy.

Three sentences in the 28-paragraph Linthicum love letter offered amorphous criticism of the 12-year Councilman. That suggests you have done nothing or you have papered your district in green.

The day before, City Controller Wendy Greuel was found to have a clean slate because she is female and liberal, though it would have helped if she had been a different shade.

The day before that, Jan Perry, whose coziness with developers long has been a focus of criticism, was bypassed because she hit a three-bagger – liberal-female-black.

As for the newest attack on Mr. James, as part of his outsider drive against City Hall’s rampant corruption, his campaign yesterday released a controversial video.

It shows actors resembling Ms. Greuel and Mr. Garcetti burying a body because he has hammered away at the notion both of them, as insiders with dubious ethics, know where the bodies are buried.

Mr. Rainey and Ms. Mehta devoted all 24 paragraphs to liberal journalists’ favorite pastime, mocking, the lowest form of criticism.

They pegged their story to their own accusation that Mr. James had overreached. In the manner of the hard-left newspaper, repeated the charge in every succeeding paragraph to the end.


If Mr. James would only switch his registration –

  • He could win the Titanic’s endorsement tomorrow,
  • He would learn that everything he is being criticized for now actually was correct,
  • He could win election as mayor, and,
  • He, too, could profit sweetly as his elected rivals have. 

But then Mr. James, in yet another distinction, is ethical, which means none of the above will happen.