Home OP-ED I Have to Be Prepared for All Kinds of People

I Have to Be Prepared for All Kinds of People


When it comes to hypnotherapy, every day is unique. I never know what is going to happen with my clients from the  issues they bring.

Addictions, weight loss, quitting smoking, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, phobias, relationships and more.

Stories of bad childhoods, ugly divorces, poor education.

Every client is looking for a better life, attitude, health, concentration, focus.

On one recent day I saw a woman incapable of receiving affection from her lover, a man who could not motivate himself, a woman abused as a child who has trouble trusting men, and a woman unable to control her emotional eating.

Despite the variations, hypnotherapy helped each one, sometimes in unforeseen ways.

One client recently underwent knee surgery. Still in pain, she could not  straighten her leg. She hoped hypnosis would help.

Going Straight

A week after her first session she reported her knee pain almost gone. She could straighten her knee.

She mentioned two side effects. She only had been going to the bathroom once or twice a week. Now, twice daily.  Her insomnia went away. She had been sleeping three to four hours a night for 10 years. Now eight hours, uninterrupted.

One of my first clients 24 years ago wanted me to help him recover from the loss of his girlfriend. He didn’t seem to be able to concentrate on anything else..

I hypnotized him, and he was fully reclined in a chair, relaxed, listening to suggestions to feel better. I placed my finger on his forehead. I  said that when I tapped my finger against his forehead, he would release his girlfriend.

What happened next startled me.  I thought I had moved from real life into the movie “The Exorcist.” He let out an enormous primal scream that lasted 30 seconds. At the same time he pressed his feet firmly on the recliner foot rest, leaned his head against the backrest, and arched his back unbelievably. Could a human bend so much in that direction?

After 30 seconds of back bending, he slumped into the chair, sweating but silent. I continued the hypnotherapy process.

Surprisingly, when I brought him out of hypnosis, he smiled and said, “I do not know what you did. But it has left me feeling better than I have in weeks. This girl is finally out of my system.”

He never came back.

As a hypnotist, I am prepared for almost anything. Hypnosis is such a tool that most people, when willing to practice self-hypnosis or being hypnotized can expect swift change. The changes will always be what they want. Occasionally, unexpected benefits may accrue.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net