Home OP-ED I Have No Words

I Have No Words


[img]96|left|Shachar||no_popup[/img]Dateline Jerusalem — I am often told that I am too optimistic about life and humanity, that I bring humor to my articles, essays and emails about situations that would cause others to lament.

But today I am unable to be optimistic. I see no humor in the horrific and depraved Palestinian terror attack against sleeping Israeli children and infants, whose throats were slashed and whose hearts were brutally stabbed Friday night by those who allege to be Israel's Palestinian “partners in peace.”

I am not usually at a loss for words. I have been accused of being verbose. My extensive vocabulary is a result of reading pages of the dictionary on a daily basis as a child, being addicted to crossword puzzles and word games from the time I was 8 years old, rarely losing at Scrabble, never losing at Perquacky, and studying Latin and German in high school. “Normal” students took Spanish and French since those languages are the basis of English. Yet, I have no words to describe the indescribable. No dictionary or thesaurus can assist me in adequately representing the utter savagery of this incomprehensible and unimaginable terrorist attack. Although the Israeli government released graphic photos of the heinous and brutal slaughter of these innocent babes, because words are unable to portray the barbarity of the massacre of these sleeping children and their parents who were butchered to death by these monstrous Palestinian terrorists, the world has been relatively silent or ambivalent in their condemnation of these acts of terror.

Some have tried to rationalize the actions of these murderers, and the UN and EU have called for more “peace” talks.

How can there be peace when these so-called Palestinian “partners in peace” reward the families of terrorists and suicide bombers with stipends of U.S. and EU dollars? How can there be peace when Abbas' s Fatah government names streets, soccer and sports stadiums, and community centers after “martyrs” and “shaheeds” whose only claim to fame is the inhumane killing of innocent Israeli women and children?

How can there be peace when the Palestinians teach their children “death to Jews” in their school textbooks, summer camps, children's TV shows, and when their maps show Palestine encompassing all of Israel?

How can there be peace when the Palestinians incite their population to jihad?

Is this despicable taking of innocent Israeli children's lives going to be just another forgotten event in the timeline of Jewish persecution?

First there were pogroms and massacres, then expulsions and exiles, and finally the Holocaust. The world was silent then, or complicit in the annihilation of 6 million Jews. But, I cannot be silent. My vocabulary may not be able to express the outrage I feel nor portray the depth of inhumanity that occurred this weekend, but I can only hope that I have conveyed to you how reprehensible the situation has become.

L'hitraot. Shachar