Home OP-ED I Have a Candidate for Guarding Our Border with Mexico. Her Name...

I Have a Candidate for Guarding Our Border with Mexico. Her Name Is…


Why does our government spend billions of dollars to supposedly protect our California border with Mexico, yet thousands continue to enter our state illegally every day?

It’s because we’ve hired the wrong level of government to get the job done.


The parking officer has stopped by a red curb



Parking officer by her car


Instead of the federal government patrolling our southern border, what’s needed is to hire the Los Angeles Parking Enforcement officers to impose the same strict, diligent, aggressiveness they use in citing American citizens for supposedly entering into no-parking zones or parking at expired meters.

In fact, if we hired Parking Enforcement Officer Soberanis, Badge Number 2946, to patrol our California border, we could all rest assured that not one illegal immigrant would get past her.

Officer Soberanis would guarantee us that anyone stepping one foot across our border would be immediately taken into custody — by her.

I can vow for her aggressive diligence because I recently saw her in action on the streets of Los Angeles.

It Happened to Me

On Monday, Nov. 8, at approximately 4:40 p.m., I was driving on San Vicente Boulevard in the community of Brentwood when I realized that I needed to make an important phone call before 5 o’clock.

In accordance with California Vehicle Codes 23123, (a); A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone, I pulled over to make my phone call, safely away from the main traffic lanes on San Vicente Boulevard,

I pulled over to the curb, turned on my warning flashers, kept my motor running, and placed my call. I anticipated the call to be rather brief. Thus, I had stopped at the very end of a very long red zone so that I could easily pull out again and continue with my drive while not blocking any of the vast red zone space.

I had no more pulled over and engaged my phone conversation when, out of nowhere, Officer Soberanis pulled up behind me in the government-owned vehicle she was driving.

In her overzealous methodology of issuing tickets, Officer Soberanis parked her Los Angeles City vehicle completely in the red zone area and partially in the adjacent traffic lane on San Vicente Boulevard. She promptly got out of her car and immediately began printing a ticket in her hand-held computerized apparatus.

Officer Soberanis was so hell-bent on writing this ticket instead of suggesting that I simply move on, that she failed to turn on her taillight warning flashers, including the hazard flashers installed on top of the government-owned vehicle she was driving.

Look Who Is the Lawbreaker

Consequently, while trying to cite me for a nebulous infraction, Officer Soberlanis flagrantly broke the law herself by completely parking in the red zone, impeded oncoming traffic, and created an even more dangerous and hazardous situation by not turning on both sets of warning /hazard flashers on her government-owned vehicle.

When I explained to Officer Soberanis that I had safely pulled over to make a phone call instead of driving in traffic, she didn't want to hear about it.

I was barely in the red zone. In fact, the majority of my car was far outside of the so-called red zone. Moreover, I had not abandoned my vehicle as I was sitting inside my car with motor running and warning flashers on.

Realizing that I was being seriously duped by an overzealous and assertive parking officer, I began taking photos and videos of the situation so that I would have documented evidence to defend myself against this unjust citation.

Apparently, my taking photos made Officer Soberlanis uneasy and disturbed. She kept turning away from me whenever I tried to talk to her.

I reminded her that she was fully parked in the red zone and halfway into the traffic lane, far exceeding anything she was citing me for in a purported red zone.

It Gets Worse

Officer Soberanis then hastily said that she changed her mind and was not going to cite me for parking in a red zone. Instead, she was citing me for parking in a bus zone, and that it would now cost me $285.

Her gleeful, yet vindictive attitude and action was unfathomable in a supposed democratic society founded upon honesty and justice, particularly by a civil servant.

The so-called bus zone that Officer Soberanis was now citing me for was a good distance away from where I stopped my car. Moreover, Officer Soberanis’s government-owned vehicle was parked behind me and between the bus zone that I was now being cited for purportedly parking in.

Once again, Officer Soberanis had flagrantly violated the very law she falsely accused me of breaking.

It became obvious that Officer Soberanis is a very malevolent and prejudicial individual with a very self-righteous, authoritarian and punishing attitude. This kind of conduct is simply unacceptable in any line of work, particularly as a public civil servant.

I am still stunned by this spiteful and aggressive individual, knowing that I am not her only victim.

Today, major crimes are being committed repeatedly and innocent victims are left to fend for themselves without the aid of any police officers. Thus, I fully resent the abhorrent treatment this parking officer measured on me, simply because I safely pulled over to engage in a phone conversation, far from the actual bus stop, and remained in my car with the flashers on.

I will obviously challenge this falsified ticket that Officer Soberanis issued me.

Officer Soberanis essentially broke the law herself. She violated her trust and responsibility as a public civil servant. What she did was no different than a street thug walking up to me from behind and robbing me of $285.

Sadly, Los Angeles has become a virtual police state with its overly hostile attack against innocent citizens. Even worse, our courts are giving major passes to the real criminals.

It’s time to invoke the same super-aggressive action to patrol our sovereign borders at the southern base of California against illegal immigrants that now is being used on innocent sovereign citizens on the streets of Los Angeles.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com