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How to Gain Control Over Your Pain


Hypnosis is an amazing tool, especially regarding its effectiveness dealing with chronic and ongoing pain.

A recent survey was taken of people who had been experiencing chronic pain for more than two years, and were taking pain medication. Divided into two groups, one was given pain meds. The second was taken off of them and sent to learn self-hypnosis.

After two years they found those taking meds were digesting twice as many. Their pain level was increasing as their bodies became immune to their pain meds.

Those who went to hypnosis found they were not taking any pain medication of any kind. Practicing daily self-hypnosis, they had reduced or eliminated their pain. When asked if they wanted to go back to pain medications, all said no.

Pain is a signal from our bodies to our brains something is wrong. See a doctor to have the pain diagnosed. Afterward, treatment to resolve the pain will be between you and your doctor.

Two Places at Once?

It has been said you cannot experience pain in two places simultaneously. Within limits, I agree. When I experience pain in two areas, I only feel one at a time. This gives us a clue how to handle pain. A potential new client recently talked with me about her pain.  Ten minutes after the start of our conversation, I asked if she had been experiencing pain while we spoke. No. This helped me to see she can block pain when occupied doing something else.

Commonly, an element of tension is associated with pain. When one allows himself to relax to the maximum, this helps to reduce pain.

When I go to the dentist, my shoulders tense when I see the needle or hear a drill. As that happens, the anticipated pain usually is worse. But when I consciously relax my shoulders, the pain is much less.

When a person chooses hypnosis to control and eliminate pain, he will want to learn how to talk to himself to gain the most advantage from self-hypnosis and how to self-hypnotize.

Helping Yourself

Techniques you may consider:

Concentrate on the area of pain. Imagine it as a black ball. Move the ball from where it is in your body to the palm of your hand. When it transfers, crush it and blow it away. If done correctly, your pain should ease.

Imagine your pain is fire engine red. The deeper the red, the greater the pain. Begin to change the pain color from red to blue. If done correctly, the deeper the blue, the less the pain.

The only proviso: Do them while hypnotized. Remember when you hypnotize yourself you must know how to talk to your subconscious.

When it comes to talking we all take in information in differently from the way we speak out. There is inference and literal communication.  We speak in a combination of the two. When you know how you speak out, you will want to practice talking to yourself in the opposite way because that is how you speak out. If you spoke out 100 percent in inference, you will take information in 100 percent literally. Unless you speak to yourself the right way (in this case literally), the suggestions you give yourself won’t work. When you get your internal suggestibility correct, your pain eases, then finally is eliminated.

When you get your internal suggestibility correct, you will find you are no longer willing to accept the old behaviors that your subconscious has been giving. Now you have the power to change your subconscious to create the behaviors you want.

That makes a huge difference.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net