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How to Create Major Change in Our Lives


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak||no_popup[/img]Now that the holidays have come and gone, it is time to get back to life as it normally is.

A question for you: Is your life the way you truly want it to be?

Close to the start of the new year, this is a good time to reflect on our lives and on how we became the people we are.

It is important to remember that when we reflect, we need to truly own where and who we are. We need to remember we are a result of all decisions we have ever made. We cannot blame others for the condition we are in.

We are given freedom of choice, and our decisions are based on how we were raised and how we think.

Pattern Is Set Early

By the time we are 12, our behaviors are fully formed. Unfortunately for some, they are not behaviors we are happy with in our adult life. The way we behave today is the way we used to behave when we were between 12 and 14. The difference: The issues we deal with are more complex than then.

Have you noticed that frequently we may tell ourselves one thing and do the opposite? For example, an alcoholic knows he does not want to drink any more but at the same the bottle is headed toward his lips.

Our subconscious is 90 percent of our total brainpower and only 10 percent is our conscious mind. It becomes obvious the conscious mind is going to lose every time it tries to defeat the subconscious.

Strategy for Change

It is possible to understand how to create effect change on our subconscious by repetition of a small task so that it becomes a new subconscious habit pattern. As children, we learned to tie our shoelaces — by constant repetition.

Many persons believe they are too young or too old to render change. I would like to help you to prove that wrong.

When we get home, it is a habit for many to put our bags or our keys in the same place every time. We don’t think about it. Next time, look for a different place and try to place your items in that spot 21 days in a row. At first you probably won’t remember to change.

Having read this article you may take a few steps, then remember you wanted to try this experiment, and you will move your items. You may have the same experience again. Within a few days, you will be remembering more easily. Through repetition, you will have created a new habit.

If you don’t want to use your keys, change which sock or shoe you put on first.

Our subconscious holds everything we ever have seen, smelled, touched or said. Like a computer hard drive, it holds all information put in. It makes no decision based on right or wrong, good or bad. Like a computer, when we consciously make a specific request of our subconscious, it has learned it is supposed to give us the information that we want. The alcoholic still drinks because the subconscious has learned that this behavior makes him happy.

As with the computer hard drive, if we want to change the information stored in it, we must download a new program to overlay on the old one so that when we press certain keys on the keyboard. new information comes out. So it is with hypnosis and the subconscious.

A hypnotherapist helps you to determine the nature of the change and gives your subconscious a strong image of the new behavior that bypasses the conscious mind and is placed straight into the subconscious for the most powerful effect and change.

The subconscious learns that this new image is the new behavior so it is given when asked for. Change is created and the new behaviors are now in place. This usually takes between 1 and 6 sessions, depending how open the subject is to hypnosis.

Hypnosis is an extremely powerful tool for change: Quitting smoking, losing weight, improving motivation, eliminating panic and anxiety, reducing stress, understanding and improving relationships, sports improvement, self-confidence and motivation.

Hypnotherapy helps each of us to make changes that will help us to create the success, happiness and prosperity that we all seek.

A clinical hypnotherapist, handwriting analyst and expert master hypnotist, Nicholas Pollak may be contacted at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net