Home OP-ED Holly, a (or V.) Stiviano Wannabe, Runs for the Tears Bucket Again

Holly, a (or V.) Stiviano Wannabe, Runs for the Tears Bucket Again


Holly Mitchell, the V. Stiviano of the dreary state Senate who bathes daily in the nurturing juices of left-wing racism, has returned to throwing rocks at picture windows, hoping someone will look at her

In her too many years as a professional politician, I have not found one instance when Sen. Mitchell (D-Culver City, Crenshaw) was on the correct side.

In her most recent aimless meandering, the untethered Ms. Mitchell is bleating again about racism, this time among drug addicts in minority communities. She has made a career out of wailing elephant tears about discrimination. She adores victims, scammers and inflammatory accusations she specializes in. You can do that when you have 20 hours a day to kill and you are shlepping around a bulging satchel of ready-to-go buzzwords and homemade charges of sexism, racism, plus a dozen others that promise to catch fire with idle liberals.

“Let’s stop demonizing drug use when committed in communities of color,” said the stiff-jawed girl apostle of political correctness.

Does she want to curtail, if not cure, drug use in the black community? No, siree. That would be honorable.

Pushing Senate Bill 1010, Ms. Mitchell seeks to equalize the sentences for selling crack cocaine and powder cocaine. That is the legend I want on my tombstone. Don’t you?  Now there is a noble objective I wish I had thought up first.

Ms. Mitchell wants the sentences between the two drug forms to be equalized because, says she, crack convictions, which carry a higher penalty, are more common in the non-white communities.

Unable to resist temptation, the bill – as distinctive from a pill–  detours into familiar, snarky waters before leaving the room. Stopping just short of stamping her feet, Ms. Mitchell says that non-whites comprise 98 percent of Californians imprisoned for sale of crack cocaine. Blacks, according to her, accounted for 77 percent, Hispanics 18 percent, Martians 3 percent, whites just under 2 percent.

As a white an inspired by the red, white and blueness of the colorful Ms. Mitchell, I am going to roam the white communities of Los Angeles tonight, hoping to convince those colorless laggards to start pushing crack cocaine so black addicts and Ms. Mitchell won’t feel abandoned.