Home OP-ED His Fiery Anger and Constant Drinking Once Looked Insurmountable

His Fiery Anger and Constant Drinking Once Looked Insurmountable


Even after many years, I am amazed at the variety of issues clients bring to me on a daily basis.

My newest client wanted to deal with his continuous outbursts of temper, not a new impediment for him. He also wanted to stop drinking. Consuming two to four glasses of wine nightly turned him into an obnoxious person.

He blamed an ADHD diagnosis for his temper.  It was difficult for him to concentrate on more than one task at a time, and that inability also would set off his anger.

I surmised that his wife of 27 years had endured enough of his outbursts and drinking. It was decision time for both of them. He had stopped drinking one week before we met. But he still craved wine.

Since he was having trouble sleeping, he raided the refrigerator in the middle of the night for sweets before resuming his restless sleep.

All of this was linked by a common theme,  sugar and carbohydrates.

I have written about the importance of a protein-rich diet, significantly reducing carbohydrates from one’s diet. Here was another example of why it is crucial.

Back to His Childhood

There were two causes behind my client’s temper. His father had acted the same way, and so this was a learned behavior between his birth and the age of 12.  Secondly, he regularly spiked his sugar levels with inappropriate dieting and drinking. When his sugar levels were high, he would be calm and logical, tackling all tasks in good spirits. the best of humor. When the sugar levels dropped, his thinking changed to a strong emotional basis, paving the path to poor decisions, irritability and sleeplessness.
The fix is a simple change of diet. Small amounts of protein every two hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. This reduces the spiking and wildly fluctuating sugar levels to stable blood sugar levels, never too high or low. 

When the blood sugar levels are controlled through proper diet, the negatives are eased and eliminated, sometimes within 72 hours.

My client’s insomnia was also triggered by his poor diet. The giveaway clue was that he would wake up and eat sugar. When not receiving adequate amounts of sugar, the brain becomes hyperactive. It starts to look for sugar, leading to one of two outcomes.

First, create some kind of drama so that the body will produce adrenaline, which quickly breaks down to sugar, temporarily easing low sugar issue temporarily as the adrenaline rush kicks in. Eventually, it creates a further depletion of sugar within the body.  Second is the insomnia that prompted my client to wake up hunt sugar.

Once addressed, I was able to help him further by continuing, through hypnosis, to eliminate his cravings for alcohol and sugar. I suggested imagery to help him see himself as serene and focused. 

Because his self-destructive had been learned as a child, it took time to create new behaviors. When the hypnosis and conditioning took hold, his sugar levels improved and there were no more angry flareups.

His healthier diet not only allowed him to sleep soundly and gain once unthinkable energy, today he enjoys a much better relationship with his family.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net