Home OP-ED His Administration Is a Sideshow of Scandal

His Administration Is a Sideshow of Scandal


President Obama has taken nothing seriously during his administration, not the United States Constitution, not the checks and balances of the federal government, not the will or the voice of the American people. He does not even take the press seriously, according to recent revelations of the Dept. of Justice seizure of A.P. phone records.
Instead of leading, Obama has been perpetually campaigning, raising money, promoting his legacy, while the country suffers through the anemic economic recovery, while 43 million struggle to survive on food stamps, while terrorists attack our nation's consulates across the Middle East, while Israel remains alone fighting against an embroiled civil war in Syria.

No wonder New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie rebutted bystander President Obama:

“What the hell are we paying you for?”

During the first months of his historic administration, President Obama ushered in a stimulus plan that only stimulated taxpayer dollars in non-existent Congressional districts and increased the salaries of federal bureaucrats.

No Motivation?

Wealthy Virginia socialites crashed a White House function, and he did nothing about it. No wonder his administration has not taken security, domestic or international events very seriously. He traveled around the Middle East on an apology tour for previous administrations, as if the efforts of President George W. Bush and predecessors were to blame for the religious fanaticism and political tyranny gripping the Arab World. He lobbied for Chicago to be the future site of the Olympics. His city was rejected in the first round of candidates. He received the Nobel Peace Prize, only to create more political division at home and send more troops into Afghanistan. Iranians protested the official election of a fanatical president. Despite the outpouring of protests, President Obama sat back, did nothing.

His Democratic majority in the House of  Representatives pushed an abortive cap-and-trade bill, co-sponsored by Henry Waxman (D-California) and Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts), that thankfully died in the Senate. This misguided legislation would have killed millions of jobs while doing nothing to diminish carbon emissions. Cap-and-trade is a Wall-Street Ponzi scheme that would enrich the rich insiders at the expense of Main Street outsiders, the rest of us.

The Healthcare Disaster

Then came Obama-WaxmanCare. After hundreds of speeches, the American people like the bill less and less. With procedural shenanigans and backroom deals, Obama-WaxmanCare passed the Senate and pushed through the House of Representatives through reconciliation. As recently as last month, one of the major legislators behind the law, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Montana) called it a train wreck. Democrats continued to vote for repeal of the law right up to the 2012 election.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms initiated a gun-running scheme, Operation Fast and Furious, that supposedly would have permitted Bureau officials to track down and trump Mexican drug cartels along the United States border. Instead, those very firearms contributed to the deaths of federal agents and numerous crimes.

Let's talk Solyndra and 18 other green tech companies that went bankrupt, even after receiving millions in taxpayer dollars. The companies had connections with the Obama administration, as did the subsidies provided to special interests in Obama-WaxmanCare.

Then there is Benghazi.

Sept. 11, 2012, less than two months before the Presidential election, a terrorist attack erupted at the U.S. Embassy in Libya. Four people were killed, including our ambassador, Christopher Stevens. First attributed to a spontaneous break of violence following outrage over a YouTube video, the talking points about the attack changed considerably. Under orders from the White House, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice directly contradicted the President of Libya about the attacks on five separate news shows the following Sunday. Further investigations revealed that the officials in the consulate had reported a rising number of attacks in the region. Their repeated requests for more security were rebuffed.
Regarding the roaring uproar over the scrubbed and distorted Benghazi talking points,
President Obama commented:

“The whole issue of talking points, frankly throughout this process has been a sideshow. There's no there, there.”

With due respect, President Obama's administration has been a sideshow. During his tenure, there has been a long chain of abuses, waste, fraud, and outright politicizing that has impoverished the many to enrich the few while trampling the will and wisdom of the majority. From end-runs around Congress, to gun-running, to the green tech subsidy failures, to the Benghazi tragedy, to cover-ups, to the invasion of privacy of AP reporters, to the outright intimidation and humiliation of conservative groups receiving tax exemption status.

President Obama’s legacy is a sideshow of scandal.

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a writer on issues eternal and unchanging, timeless and timely. A life-long SoCal resident, Arthur lives in Torrance.

Twitter – @ArthurCSchaper