Home OP-ED Hide the Children, Mother. The Climate May Be Changing.

Hide the Children, Mother. The Climate May Be Changing.


If you were either an atheist or an agnostic and said, “Prove to me there is a God,” it would be an insurmountable challenge. Eschewing esoteria, you would not settle for less than tangible evidence. Even if I were aided by the planet’s most gifted rhetoricians, we would finish second in the debate.

I was thinking of that this morning when reading Recycled Ronnie Brownstein who was fired a few years ago by the Los Angeles Titanic only to rebound as their ace Friday morning Washington-based political philosopher.

Mr. Brownstein is not quite as deep as the glass of cream soda you may test taste at dinner this evening, which explains his unyielding fealty to the laughable notion of climate change and global warming.

Awash in Tears

Subscribing to the debunked scam of climate change is akin to calling a father of 16 children a virgin. Both punchlines spark tear-triggering titters.

Mr. Brownstein pegged this morning’s essay to this season’s most mocked man in U.K. politics, Foreign Secretary William Hague. Maybe Mr. B doesn’t read the newspapers. What a gaffe.

You, dear reader, may know that the effete 49-year-old Mr. Hague not only woke up with a red face one morning last month, but in a cozy bed to find himself precisely next to his 25-year-old male assistant, with whom he officially was sharing the hotel room.

It is possible that the dollar-starved government of Britain’s new Tory Prime Minister, Dave Cameron, had declared in private, “Ladies and gentlemen, fiscal (not necessarily physical) austerity starts at bedtime.” Then, turning to Mr. Hague, the P.M. winkingly could have added, “Willie, my boy, you may have to double-up tonight to save a farthing.”

I Do Believe in Saving Anything

Or perhaps the conservation-conscious Conservative with the ever so ladylike manner decided that electricity could be saved if he and his aide only used one room’s worth of lighting.

Overnight, Mr. Hague became an island-wide buffoon. (Surely you know how media in every land treats those it suspects of conservative views and minds that wander. Think Larry Craig, Mark Foley, David Vitter.)

Also overnight, Mr. Hague’s young male friend resigned. If he hadn’t, said Mr. Cameron, Mr. Hague would have been dropkicked into a foreign culture.

And so the not too swift Mr. Brownstein, as if he were hoisting a candle at the head of a passionate march into the ocean, held up the heavily scarred Mr. Hague as his pinup boy.

Normally, Mr. Brownstein would have been leading a witch or wiccan hunt for Mr. Hague’s bald pate. The journalist is even farther to the left than Mr. Hague is to the right. For this special occasion, though, Mr. Brownstein found him a useful idiot.

It seems that when he toddled into the Colonies last week, Mr. Hague became one of about three conservatives on the entire planet to say something nice about global warming, including, “Lawdy, Lawdy, I do believe I am perspiring and I am believing.”

This subtle acknowledgement that “climate change” is a reality encouraged Mr. Brownstein to self-launch into another I Hate the Good Guys rant.

“See there, see there,” Mr. Brownstein roared near the top of his essay.

“(Mr. Hague’s) strong words make it easier to recognize that Republicans in this country are coalescing around a uniquely dismissive position on climate change.”

This was his one of his predictable thrice-a-month Republicans Are Unhinged essays.

Whereupon Mr. Brownstein swung into his most erroneous, credibility-gasping claim:

“The GOP is stampeding toward an absolutist rejection of climate science that appears unmatched among major political parties around the world.”

This is a remarkably false statement as global-warming skeptics, by all polls I have seen, strongly outnumber the dwindling number of true believers.

Mr. Brownstein, bring one strand of proof, and I will apologize faster that Mr. Hague. Except, none exists, as reasonable people across the globe realize.

Mr. Hague himself gave away the game when he said:

“While no one weather event can ever be linked with certainty to climate change, the broad patterns of abnormality seen this year are consistent with climate change models.”

In different words, since the true believers are naked with evidence, you will just have to take their claims on faith.

And now, dear friends of the left, The Flat Earth Society will convene in 5 minutes in the Conference Room.”