Home OP-ED Here Is Why Veterans Should Drive Right Carr Nov. 4.

Here Is Why Veterans Should Drive Right Carr Nov. 4.


Elan Carr and Family.

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

Re:  Vote for Elan Carr for Congress, 33rd District

President Obama “swings” by Ted Lieu’s Congressional campaign in Venice. 

Lest we forget, Barack Obama's Dept. of Justice and U.S. Attorneys fought the ACLU's lawsuit against the VA and lost. Then they appealed the federal judgment that was entered against the VA for engaging in nine real estate deals with non-Veteran entities, which are “unauthorized by law and therefore void.” 

Mr. Obama's endorsement of Ted Lieu to replace 40-year Congressman Henry Waxman on Nov. 4 deserves a vote of no confidence and no trust.  On the other hand, a vote for Elan Carr insures a vote of confidence and trust for the care and well-being of Veterans.

Mr. Waxman has endorsed Mr. Lieu to succeed himself in the 33rd District.  Let there be no misunderstanding. Mr. Lieu will be another Henry Waxman. We cannot allow that to happen.

In four decades as the entrusted public servant to oversee and protect the largest VA in the nation, Henry Waxman aided in the giveaway of these sacred grounds to benefit his wealthy Westside cohorts. This forced Los Angeles to become our nation's capital for homeless Veterans.
Mr. Carr is a deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County, an Iraqi War Veteran.

A man of honor, he will insure that the most corrupt VA in the nation will come to an end under his watch, and the Congressional Act of 1887 and legal Deed of 1888 will be honored and enforced.

Vote Elan Carr for Congress — 33rd Congressional District. 

Support the attached petition submitted to Robert A. McDonald, the new Secretary of the VA.


Old Veterans Guard

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com

See attached request for Congressional House Committee on Veterans Affairs (HCVA) to enforce the Federal Judgment entered against top executives at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for unlawful use of Federal property at the Los Angeles VA.