Home OP-ED Here Comes the Judge

Here Comes the Judge


Dateline Dayton – I was summoned for jury duty this week.

Interesting cases will be going to court in the near future, and I wouldn’t mind being on the jury for any of them. One even involves my church. Probably would be dismissed from that one.

In a case involving Ascension School, it seems an unmarried second grade teacher was dismissed after she reported to the principal that she was pregnant. She must have realized that the pregnancy was going to be a problem because she was asking to be assigned a non-teaching position.

Instead of reassignment, she was fired, based upon the contract she had signed. The contract included a clause that she would uphold the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. Due to the dismissal, her insurance was terminated.

In my opinion, the principal had every right to dismiss this teacher. Could the situation have been handled in a more Christian manner? I believe so. She could have been placed on a non-paid leave, allowing her to keep her insurance, with the cost being paid by the teacher. Her day in court will determine if she was treated in a legal manner.

In another case, a lady contends she was fired for voting for President Obama. She should be fired. Obama is out to destroy our country, especially the business community. ObamaCare is but one tool he is using to accomplish his goals. Another will happen tomorrow if the idiots in Washington can’t do what is best for our county while putting politics aside. We need to cut costs. It will hurt, but it is time to be reasonable. A knee-jerk reaction is not the answer. Entire excessive departments could be eliminated, and it would not affect the well-being of our country.

Politics and religion are two topics that should not be discussed in the workplace. The woman probably was going around boasting that she voted for Obama, which was nobodies business but hers. This could be a lesson for her to keep her mouth shut. The courts will need to decide who is right. Her employer claims she was dismissed for just cause. She probably was.

A third situation finds a gentleman claiming discrimination. According to the company, a large sit-down restaurant chain, he quit voluntarily. He was having health problems and the company was working with him on that issue.

As the saying goes, there are two sides, and this will be another matter for the judicial system to decide.

Decision Time

As it turns out, I will not be sitting on any jury. Our group was excused yesterday, with a thank you.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net