Home OP-ED He Says Pappas Was Correct

He Says Pappas Was Correct


I am responding to: “Pappas Rhetorically Slugs Council. “Hit Us Again,” Members Say

I have been to a few of the same City Council meetings where Tony Pappas spoke. At first, I was amused at the calmness of the sitting Council members to his comments.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Mr. Pappas. I even congratulated him on his courage amongst mostly the uninformed special interest crowd.

Your newspaper said:

“Flinging respect for city leaders through the nearest closed window, Mr. Pappas commonly and surily addresses Council members and well-known City Hall officials by their surname, without an honorific, an unheard of practice in government etiquette.”

I never will call an elected or selected “Honorable” unless they have earned that distinction.

I have no problem addressing them with the “dishonorable” title that most of them deserve.

Your newspaper also said:

“After Mr. Pappas treated Council members like target practice, the members appeared to think it was hilarious when Mr. Pappas insulted them. He has done it deftly dozens, if not hundreds, of times before.”

Hilarious or a nervous laughter hoping no one takes him serious?

If I am being attacked by accusations that are untrue, selected, elected or any other way I will defend my honor. It is just human nature. Unless you are a California Coward. But these are the wannabe “slick” elected officials.

If one were to listen to the statements that Mr. Pappas makes, there is a ring of truth to them.

What are the Council members to do when they know that someone is onto them? Keep calm and quiet and hope that the hand full of other special interest attendants not be any wiser. Silence is the best defense. Standard practice in Culver City politics.

Your newspaper said:

“Scorning the numerous defenses and retorts and penalties at their disposal, the Council, some think, may have empowered, inflated, Mr. Pappas for his coming appearances.”

Ever heard freedom of truth (in speech)?

And also:

“This act has played for years in Council Chambers, marked every time by a level of disrespect for sitting members that is unmatched anywhere else perhaps on the Westside.”

Culver City politicians do not even respect each other. You have to give respect to receive it. “A Slightly Skeptical Perspective on the Community

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com