Home OP-ED Hand Me a Match, Charlie – I Need One More Smoke Before...

Hand Me a Match, Charlie – I Need One More Smoke Before I Die


The pale yellowing markings dripping messily from the saddened cheeks of five City Council members last evening were fried eggs that blew up in their faces when they uncorked their latest  rendition of We Know Better Than You What Is Best for You.

By my age, I have learned to telephone City Hall each early morning to see what I should fix for breakfast. I am lost on weekends when they are closed.

I dial back City Hall later to see what clothes I should wear to the office – the City Council does know better.

As dusk gathers about the bosom of our little family, I dial up City Hall to see what color jammies each of us should don as summer starts to wave goodbye.

Vice Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells is among the top tier of sweet persons of influence in Our Town. The person has not been born who is more well-meaning.

However, she may never be more wrong than she presently is in trying to force her will on thousands of residents who would not recognize her if she knocked on their door. And they would not invite her to tea if they knew she was trying to whack each of them over the head with a smoking ban in all multi-unit housing in Culver City.

Why does she want to do it when the denizens of the buildings she has targeted have no stomach for this wrongheaded idea.

You are not my doctor.

What makes you think you know better than I what is proper for me? Where is your certificate? What is a sign of your wisdom?

The chutzpah of this supreme act of government stealing of individual freedom not only is breathtaking but stultifying.

This is the quintessential example of  “I don’t smoke anymore – therefore you should not, either.”

What business is it of hers? Or any of the other busybodies on the City Council?

Why is she doing this? Because, she says, a number of young families have approached her in recent months.

What is “a number of young families” compared to 40,000 persons whose rights constantly are under threat from the incurably insecure busybody left, which constantly needs to replenish feeling good about itself. Ordinary people be darned.

The aging ideologue who showed up last night with her slightly suspicious anti-smoking data seemed to be the canary In the mine for the do-gooders.

Ms. Sahli-Wells notably said that homeowner associations – not nearly as wise or sensitive or political as the five worthy samaritans on the City Council – blew their chance to ban smoking and that is why the We Always Know Better Than You government must step in to save the life of a fourth-hand smoke victim on a desert island.

Who knew homeowner associations were on the clock, spied upon by our slightly bulky Big Brother of the left?

I am waiting for Chief Don Pedersen to line up the starchly uniformed boys and girls of the Police Dept., out front on Duquesne every morning at 9:15 and hand them strategy sheets for sneak mass invasion of Culver City’s apartment buildings.

Murder? Feh. Robberies? So what?

Smokers, ah the dastardly devils. Those evil people. The true enemies of civilization. More insidious than al-queda or even Swishy’s ObamaCare. Shoot upon sighting before they have a chance to exhale and pollute our perfumed air

Take me back to the golden days of “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.”

Hopefully, the chief’s mandate will be shoot to kill if a smoker is found cowering inside of a garbage container.

Then, thank the god of the left, those several young smoke-free selfless families will be able to live in peace even if the rest of us won’t.

Fifth-hand smoke anyone?