Home OP-ED Halting of Construction at VA Is Reaffirmed by Federal Judge

Halting of Construction at VA Is Reaffirmed by Federal Judge


(See pdf here.)

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,
I have attached last Thursday’s federal court order that reaffirms the halting of construction of the rogue Veterans Park Conservancy homeowner group's open-air amphitheater on VA property.
In sum, the VA officials “acted in excess of their authority” by issuing a license agreement in lieu of their already adjudicated illegal sharing agreement to proceed with this sham public amphitheater under the guise of “alternative therapy.”
When is VA Secretary Robert McDonald going to demand that his good name be removed from this national disgrace and withdraw the VA's appeal of the federal judgment?
Secretary McDonald needs to “act within his authority” and permanently ban Sue Young and her nefarious VPC homeowner cabal from these sacred grounds and then form an alliance with the plaintiff in the ACLU lawsuit — Vietnam Veterans of America — along with Rafer Johnson and the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition.

Next step would be to immediately open a crisis humanitarian relief project on VA property to house and care for tens of thousands of war-injured and impoverished homeless Veterans?
Now that former U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman is retired from Congress, newly elected Ted Lieu, a Veteran, needs to get behind the aforementioned alliance.

He must demand that the VA open the West LA property for emergency housing and care.
God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!
Los Angeles has the most homeless veterans in the U.S. — 3,700, more than twice the number in New York City.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com