Home OP-ED Greg Smith Was Correct

Greg Smith Was Correct


Dear Mr. Greg Smith. I have read your latest and now I know what has happened with me and the School Board. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9441/FireDeptIsNo1PoliceDeptIsNo2

I applied for the Parcel Tax Measure EE Oversight Committee and did not receive one vote from the School Board. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-8566/IAmDifferentfromtheNormalCulverCityResident

Mr. Smith states that: “It is my opinion my honesty, truthfulness and sincerity are the reasons they never get by name on the application. But you can see from news reports around the state that being honest, truthful and sincere are not priorities for any city manager positions.”

This can apply to any selected or elected position.


I agree with you but not only are most Culver City politicians liars, they also lack courage, civility and bring the element of stupidity to the mix.


Mr. Abrams, a former School Board candidate, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com