Home OP-ED Government’s Cowardly Betrayal of Veterans

Government’s Cowardly Betrayal of Veterans


I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” – General Douglas MacArthur


Homeless Veteran lives outside the locked front gates to the Los Angeles National Veterans Home

Anyone who has been paying the slightest attention knows that we are living in very perilous times here on American soil.

Consider that a non-Veteran can put on a U.S. military uniform with a chest full of combat medals awarded to others, including the Medal of Honor, and then openly lie about serving our country. It is called “Freedom of Speech.”

But when a 10-year active-duty Marine combat ergeant posts a personal comment on Facebook about the Commander-in-Chief, he is given an other-than-honorable discharge and loses all his Military benefits and awards.

This is consistent in how our courts continue to rule against our Military and Veterans and rule in favor of non-Veterans.

While many will disagree with the various lawsuits that are filed by the ACLU, myself included, we'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who would be in opposition to their current civil lawsuit filed on behalf of disabled and homeless Veterans against the top-level bureaucrats in the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.

Nonetheless, there are those who are intensely opposed to the lawsuit and are gloating gleefully that a federal judge has ruled against disabled and homeless Veterans.

It is beyond comprehension that President Obama would allow his Dept. of Justice and U.S. Attorneys to fight against this lawsuit, even filing for its dismissal.

Does anyone believe that Barack Obama is not a card-carrying member of the ACLU?

Moreover, Laurence Tribe, Barack Obama’s law professor and mentor at Harvard University Law School, is the top co-counsel of this ACLU lawsuit.

So why isn’t America’s Commander-in-Chief defending our disabled and homeless Veterans instead of fighting them? After all, he is constantly boasting about honoring a sacred trust that our nation has with our Veterans to protect them with proper care and shelter.

How could any grateful American Citizen not come to the defense of disabled and homeless Veterans who have defended our own freedom and safety?

Yet the same U.S. Attorneys fighting vigorously against disabled and disadvantaged Veterans that are homeless and hungry also launched an independent criminal investigation into a purported beating against an inmate at the County Jail system by two Sheriff’s Dept. deputies.

It's simply incredulous that U.S. Attorneys are protecting and defending one thug criminal who is incarcerated in a prison facility that gives him a roof over his head, a warm bed, hot showers and three square meals every day, while simultaneously fighting against 20,000 disabled and disadvantaged Veterans who are hungry and homeless and live in back-alley squalor because they’ve been dispossessed and exiled from their legally deeded Home.

Even worse, U.S. District Judge S. James Otero (not a Veteran) has sided with the U.S. Attorneys and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in denying Veterans who are severely disabled from getting proper healthcare and housing.

Instead of using moral authority and issuing a “State of Emergency” order demanding the Dept. of Veterans Affairs immediately build temporary shelter and healthcare for tens-of-thousands of homeless Veterans in Los Angeles, Judge Otero stooped lower than anyone could ever imagine and ruled against providing healthcare and shelter for the very men and women who became disabled while defending our nation and the U.S. Constitution that he swore an oath to support and defend.

My Idea of Betrayal

By bowing to the Obama defense team instead of standing up and defending the men and women who pledged their lives to defend our nation, it’s clear that Judge Otero’s denial of disabled, disadvantaged and homeless Veterans is betrayal in the worst order … cowardly betrayal.

Correspondingly, the Dept. of Justice and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ shameful betrayal against tens-of-thousands of disabled and impoverished Veterans is simply un-American.

It’s long been held that betraying our nation that America’s military was created to defend is one of the most odious of all crimes. What would be the most odious of all crimes if it isn’t betraying the very men and women who have defended our nation, particularly those who became disabled and disadvantage in the process?

While the ACLU lawsuit is a “civil” one, there is nothing civil in the way the Department of Veterans Affairs abuses disabled and homeless Veterans and misappropriates their legally deeded land, nor is there anything civil in the manner in which the Department of Justice and a Federal Judge are running roughshod over their civil liberties, safety and well-being.

No Veterans on Court

The ACLU civil lawsuit is simply Round One in the federal court battle and any of the rulings against disabled and homeless Veterans must be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

Oh, by the way, there is not one Veteran on the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet it is the men and women of our U.S. armed forces who defend the U.S. Constitution that they are supposed to uphold.

Make no mistake, the activities that prompted the ACLU civil lawsuit are criminal in their origin, including the biggest land-fraud scam in American history that has compounded the abuse of disabled and disadvantaged Veterans with willful neglect, violation of the Americans with Disability Act, humiliating and degrading treatment, human rights violations, reckless disregard, endangerment, and a multitude of other heinous crimes against humanity.

Correspondingly, there needs to be Congressional, FBI, VA Inspector General, and federal grand jury Investigations initiated, posthaste.

These crimes and those who perpetrated them need to be fully investigated and tried at the highest levels, including before The Hague's International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court , Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Explanatory Memorandum, the United Nations, Charter of the International Military Tribunal, and a Veterans Tribunal.

U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Westside) is the elected public servant entrusted to protect Veterans property and their health and welfare because this is largest VA in the nation, situated in his Congressional district.

Searching for Courage

He not only has breached his fiduciary duty to uphold the Congressional Act of 1887 and the Legal Deed of 1888, but he has aided and abetted in the misappropriation of this sacred land and betrayed the health and wellbeing of disabled and disadvantaged Veterans.

California U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer are equally culpable.

Government’s cowardly betrayal against the very men and women who pledged their lives to defend our nation and our own safety is deplorable and indefensible.

Before anyone tries to say this is political condemnation because President Obama, Sens. Feinstein and Boxer, and Congressman Waxman are all Democrats, you need to know that Judge Otero was appointed by Republican George W. Bush.

In sum, all are equally culpable. Taking care of our Veterans is not a political issue. It’s an American responsibility.

Is there anyone in the United States government who has the courage to defend America’s disabled, disadvantaged and homeless Veterans?

Mr. Rosebrock, a Veteran, may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com