Home OP-ED GOP History Is Replete With Support of Black Ideals

GOP History Is Replete With Support of Black Ideals


[img]1725|left|Sen. Edward Brooke||no_popup[/img]Republican Edward Brooke was the first popularly elected African-American  U.S.  Senator. He defeated an incumbent Democrat for the seat in 1966, a watershed year for Republicans. He represented Massachusetts from 1966 to 1978, even though today Massachusetts has few high-ranking Republicans in office.
Brooke's legacy as a loyal Republican exposes the “dark vein of ignorance” in former General Colin Powell's remark on “Face the Nation” about minorities and the Republican Party. The insights and the legacy of this former Attorney General and senator give a better glimpse into the truth, too long ignored and distorted, of the Republican Party, a story more African-Americans deserve to know and believe, and thus feel welcome in the GOP.
In a telling interview about his history in politics, Brooke shared why he was a Republican. He won the Republican party's nomination for office, not the Democrat's, in Massachusetts. He favored the GOP because they had desegregated the Massachusetts National Guard. The GOP was more progressive on civil rights. They also rejected the media-hounding of McCarthyism.

They Have Been Forward-Looking

His account highlights that Republicans were progressive on civil rights and women's rights long before the Democrats. The first female Congressperson, Jeannette Rankin, was a Republican, too.
“I have always believed a man or a woman should do what he can do for himself,” Brooke said, a central tenet of individual liberty. He added that the party must recognize that people cannot do some things for themselves. Historically, the Republican Party has not neglected the needs of the neediest. Government intervention on the taxpayer dime usually does not do the most good. “I don't like huge government,” Brooke said,  signaling a consistently conservative stance of the GOP in general. An independent problem-solver, not an ideologue, Brooke was one of first Republicans in Washington to ask President Nixon to resign in the wake of the Watergate scandal.
Regarding the vast majority of blacks as Democrats, Brooke noted he never isolated himself from black politicians. “I believe most blacks are Democrats because they represent Democratic districts,” he said. The culture of those constituencies is the definitive issue, not race, likely because of Democratic dominance in urban areas, a demographic Republicans should concentrate on.
On winning the senate seat, Brooke said the Massachusetts governor also wanted to run in 1966, but he had established a community network of support. He had the most powerful political organization in the state. Brooke's previous record of public service included his leadership role in the Boston Strangler case, still ongoing, as the attorney general who brought together the rest of the state's district attorneys. His savvy on community connections is much needed in the GOP today. Humble and appreciative, Brooke praised his staff of young lawyers and investigators, plus the confidence of the Massachusetts voters.
Brooke's tenure saved the state millions, a resume of trust with the public trust, which is so essential to Republicans, not Democrats. “You can believe in Brooke,” was his campaign slogan. Where did his confidence come from? The party that nominated him for the senate had never denied him a nomination before. “Eight times I went to [the GOP], eight times I won the nomination, even when I won the bitter primary fight in 1978,”  he said. It's the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party, that supported the first popularly-elected African-American senator.
About race, Brooke stated clearly that it was not an issue to him. He lived out the dream that Dr. Martin Luther King preached. He was willing to reach out to Democrats, but he did not want to be elected because of his skin. He wanted the vote because voters believed that he could do the job better. than the other candidate. “I was not talking [to voters] as a white man,” he said. “I was not talking as a black man. I was talking as a man.”

Where Blacks Belong – Everywhere
To young black people, Brooke stressed the importance of a work ethic. “There are no shortcuts to glory, no frills and ruffles, no shortcuts to success.” Republicans support and rejoice when people get on their feet and run rather than sit and depend, a mentality pervasive among Democratic leaders.

Rejecting the fearful advice of his grandmother to “remember his place” as a black man, Brooke tells African-American youth:

“Your place is anywhere you want it to be. It's left up to you. You make that decision.”
The Democratic Party tells men and women their place, their value, based on race. In the Republican Party, minorities get to choose their place. While Democrats in the South were telling blacks to sit in the back of the bus, Republicans then and now invite African-Americans to the front. If they choose, they can own the bus because free markets make free people. Free people prosper in free enterprise.
The legacy of Edward Brooke represents the true stance of the GOP and African-Americans.

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a writer and blogger on issues both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A lifelong resident of Southern California, he currently lives in Torrance. He may be contacted at arthurschaper@hotmail.com, aschaper1.blogspot.com and at asheisministries.blogspot.com. Also see waxmanwatch.blogspot.com.