Home OP-ED Good News Is Bad and Bad News Is Bad. What a Wonderful...

Good News Is Bad and Bad News Is Bad. What a Wonderful World.


I was just walking out the kitchen door this morning to slip behind the woodshed and tidily dispose of my depressed self when the Los Angeles Titanic landed with a dainty thud on our front porch.

Flipping furiously through the flimsy edition to page 17, where the main news of the day is confined, I panted as I breathlessly repeated the headline:

“State tax revenue plummets.”


Could I reach the woodshed in time to do away with myself when I only felt fairly glum instead of irretrievably wretched?

As I quickened my pace, terrified squirrels scurried for cover.

The Titanic, which loves to scare its not-swift liberal readers, wrote a drop-headline designed to appeal to the unswift Democrat base:

“A projected windfall hasn’t materialized, raising the prospect of more education cuts come December.”

Seems that tax revenues fell half a billion short of predictions for July. My goodness.