Home OP-ED Good Morning, Mr. President

Good Morning, Mr. President


Spark up the espresso machine.

Break out the Red Bull.

Pack the kids off to school.

Aunt Madge and Uncle Fred have gone back to the farm.


Send your tux to the cleaners and let Michelle sleep in.

The last guy left the joint a shambles.

It’s time to get down to the business of running the free world.

By the somber tone of your inaugural address, it looks like you’re ready to roll your sleeves up and kick some butt.


No other modern President, with the possible exception of FDR, has taken office with more items piled on his in-box than you. Like it or not, there’s no time dawdle. The faltering economy is Job One.

The clock is ticking on the economy, and you need to act fast.

My advice to you …

Don’t use a push broom when an atomic-powered leaf blower would do the trick. Don’t use kindling and a book of matches. Grab a flame-thrower, and light this place up.

I know you want to shut down Gitmo, pull out of Baghdad, flex your muscle in Afghanistan, reform healthcare and halt the melting of the polar ice caps.

All of that can wait.

Never Give in

Our level of tolerance and willingness to test new ideas is directly proportional to the health of our pocketbooks. Right now, that’s the only healthcare plan that’s really important.

If you get the economy back on track and the wheels of commerce turning again, the American people won’t care if you want shoot hoops with Hugo Chavez or build solar panels on the moon.

Send your minions up to hill; twist some arms. Tell Michelle you’re going to be pulling an all-nighter. Come hell or high water, don’t back down until the Congress passes an economic package that gets us going again.

You better make that espresso a double.

John Cohn is a senior partner in the Globe West Financial Group[ based in West Los Angeles. He may be contacted at www.globewestfinancial.com