Home OP-ED Going Face to Face with the Best at Mass. General

Going Face to Face with the Best at Mass. General


Dateline Boston – With today’s late afternoon appointment at Massachusetts General, we are hours away from learning the projected immediate path of Diane’s battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Our most fervent hope and prayer is that the miracles set in motion more than a month ago by Shachar, our Jerusalem correspondent, will continue when we meet with the most erudite minds in American medicine.

Can doctors qualify Diane for an experimental late summer clinical trial involving the revolutionary transfer of stem cells in ALS patients?

ALS is a life-eating disease that defies cures, the ugliest, most  terrifying challenge imaginable.
Even in this uber-enlightened era when medical marvels can halt the progression or reverse every malady to bedevil man, ALS is the lonely, frightening exception.

Faith is our flashlight through this uncharted darkness.

If the most sophisticatedly equipped medical minds lack a helpful response, the call is God’s alone, as if it ever were otherwise.

Formerly too comfortable, now I understand why people beg for a reprieve, any amount of time.

Just more. Please.