Home OP-ED Glancing Back on a Dark, Feisty Year on the PCC Campus

Glancing Back on a Dark, Feisty Year on the PCC Campus


[Editor’s Note: On the sorely troubled campus of Pasadena City College, where intensely unpopular President Mark Rocha has been under siege for more than a year, the Coalition of Students and Faculty for Student Achievement has rounded up the year’s worst problems. Special mention is made of a letter from PCC’s legal counsel to this newspaper.]

[img]1769|left|Dr. Mark Rocha||no_popup[/img]Dear PCC Coalition Faculty and Students,

As we close another semester and approach the end of the year, we would like to thank you all for your support.

We would also like to take the opportunity to keep you updated on some of the more recent happenings on campus:

PERB ruling clarifies that the unilateral cancellation of winter intersession was an unfair labor practice and orders its immediate reinstatement. Read more under “Unfair Labor Practice – Ruling Against the District – Fall 2013“.

A tenured professor is falsely accused of assault by a student and unfairly placed on administrative leave by the administration. He was reinstated at the end of the semester, but the student remained in the class throughout the semester. Read more in “Faculty Abuse and Intimidation – Fall 2013“. (While you're there, read how PCC's attorney tried to censor a Culver City journalist earlier this semester.) Our very own PCC President Mark Rocha was nominated 2013 Less-than-stellar Turkey by Pasadena Weekly. Read the article.

Our sincere thanks to all who participated in and supported campus-wide actions this year, from the January 2013 rally to updating the website to supporting other campus groups, like PCC Collegiance.

Contact us with any pro-active suggestions you may have on taking back PCC as well as your next semester's availability for meetings. Also, feel free to forward this email to interested students and faculty.

Finally, don't forget to weigh in on our four anonymous polls:

PCC Board of Trustees poll http://takebackpcc.wordpress.com/new-prez-new-board/

Mismanagement poll http://takebackpcc.wordpress.com/mismanagement/

Climate of Fear poll http://takebackpcc.wordpress.com/intimidation/

President Rocha's Salary poll http://takebackpcc.wordpress.com/admin-salaries/

What is PCC Coalition of Students & Faculty for Student Achievement? http://takebackpcc.wordpress.com/about_us/