Home OP-ED Gaza War Does Not Deter New Immigrants from U.S., Europe

Gaza War Does Not Deter New Immigrants from U.S., Europe


Re “Terrorists Planned to Dress up as if They Were Religious Jews”

[Editor’s Note: As Hamas terrorists continue firing rockets into Israel, sending frightened residents underground, our correspondent resumes her daily update.]

Dateline Jerusalem — I awakened yesterday at 6:13 to the Code Red Alert on my computer, notifying me of a siren alert in Israel.  My neighborhood has been quiet since Friday evening. Other areas, especially in the south, nearest to Gaza, have had sirens screaming at them the entire weekend.  Although southern Israel has been under rocket, missile and mortar attack, Israel had opened the Kerem Shalom-Gaza border checkpoint to provide humanitarian aid via 200 to 250 delivery trucks to Gaza daily, even on Shabbat.  By 8 a.m., the checkpoint was closed because Hamas had attacked the checkpoint with mortar fire.  I presume they use the closure for their public relations war against Israel.

Allegedly Hamas agreed to another cease-fire, but Israel said no more negotiating until Hamas ceases firing.  All day I could hear the Code Red Siren alerts on my computer. Southern Israel has been bombarded with rocket fire. Another 72-hour cease-fire was to take effect at midnight.  Hamas violated the last one.  They violated every one.  What happened to “no negotiations” if they keep firing on Israel?  What is going on?  My imagination is running wild. I am scaring myself with the possibilities.
Please Make up Our Minds

Why is Israel caving?  What threats were made against Israel?  What promises were made — and broken? 

The other day, residents of communities not far from the Gaza border were told to return to their homes. He ground was safe.  It was a good thing that most did not heed that announcement. Now they are being told not to return because of the security situation. 

It is interesting to note that the war has not discouraged Jews from making aliyah (ah-lee-uh), immigrating to Israel.  Two weeks ago, almost 200 single young men and women flew to Israel to make aliyah and to join the Israeli army as “lone soldiers.”  Hundreds of families who made aliyah during this war have chosen to make their homes in s areas most victimized by rocket fire.  That says a lot. Despite rockets and war, they feel safer in Israel than in Europe, especially France.  Americans making Aliyah chose to leave comfort, security, and safety.  They do so voluntarily, without the pressures put on those from Europe. As the Jewish Agency's Natan Sharansky said, “That so many Jews from the West are joining us of their own free will is the best answer to those who still try to destroy us.”

My Kind of Music

The sound of jets taking to Israeli skies has been music to my ears. Such a good feeling to know that the elite of the elite are Israeli pilots.  I hope that the Israeli Air Force takes care of business for good.  The pilot course is considered one of the most difficult, one of the world's most demanding.

Most candidates are chosen prior to graduation from high school, based on grades, IQ and standardized tests, physical condition and technical aptitude.  Those chosen undergo a six-day tryout involving physical, mental and sociometric tests.  Only half survive the rigorous training. They go for a three-year course, including flight training, infantry training, an officer's course, and they earn a bachelor's degree.  Only one-sixth actually receive their wings. Only the elite of the elite become fighter pilots.

What Do Deadlines Mean?

Let's see how long this cease- fire lasts. It begins shortly, and already the last-minute bombardment by Hamas rockets and missiles has started.

Last Friday, in the hours leading up to Shabbat, there were no surprises. Hamas broke the cease-fire at 4:02 a.m. They could not wait until 8 when it would have been over.  According to the army, two rockets struck in open areas near the Eshkol Regional Council in southern Israel. Allegedly this would be the first violation of the 72-hour cease-fire.  The alarm on the Code Red Alert map went off and awakened me. At first I could not confirm that it wasn't another false alarm since i I was the only one of my friends awake at the time.  I used to think I was a little hard of hearing. My ears now are acutely attuned to the sound of rocket siren alarms.

On the dot at 8, rockets rained on Israel. The cease fire is officially over. Hamas denied sending the 4 a.m. rockets.  Perhaps it wasn't Hamas but one of the other Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza or a rogue group of Palestinians.  Whatever, the rockets landed and it was not a false alarm.
By 4 o’clock, there had been 35 Code Red Siren Alerts.

The night before, five Hamas terrorists were killed in a “work accident,” the phrase they use when their rockets or bombs blow up before they can use them to terrorize Israel.  An explosive device they were building blew up in northern Gaza.  I guess Hamas had been preparing quite awhile to violate the cease-fire. Palestinians often have work accidents.

I say forget the cease-fires. Let  Israel finally take care of business. Yes, there will be casualties on both sides, but there will be more if Israel caves into Hamas demands. 

Several of the so-called deaths of persons on a list of names Gaza published were duplicate and triplicate names. Some so-called bodies actually moved under the white sheets spread out on the ground. Terrorists in hiding? Or were they pretending to be dead for the media?  Hamas has lied about everything so far. Why believe now?  At least Israel has proof to back its assertions. Hamas just spouts lies, and everyone takes them as gospel.  

L'hitraot.  Shachar