Home OP-ED Gavin Newsom – Next Guv? – Speaks Near City Hall Today

Gavin Newsom – Next Guv? – Speaks Near City Hall Today


Today our signs say:

“Gov. Gavin, 2014 or 2018!”

Our website is now under construction: gavinnewsomfor.gov. Visit us soon.

Gavin Goes For Governor, 2014 or 2018 supporters will end our march at 5:30 this afternoon at Downtown L.A.'s great new Grand Park.

At that site at 6 o’clock, California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is scheduled to deliver an outdoor address to the people of Los Angeles under the aegis of Zocalo Square.

California's next governor will speak at the outdoor podium set against the stunning backdrop of Los Angeles City Hall.

That will make for a great photo-op.

Termed-out L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa is cordially invited to make room in his busy schedule to take a folding chair seat at Grand Park today – like everyone else – and watch his rival for the next governor’s race to make his first major speech in the City of Angels.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywooddems@gmail.com