Home OP-ED Garcetti’s Shrinking Campaign Pays No Price for Hollywood Rape Spree

Garcetti’s Shrinking Campaign Pays No Price for Hollywood Rape Spree


Sunday AM: Hollywood rape spree claims another minority victim – sparking no new media coverage of expanding Hollywood sex crimes.

Los Angeles mayoral candidate Eric Garcetti overjoyed with absence of media coverage on his home Hollywood turf because it would be potentially damaging to his City Hall ambitions.

Attn. Ms. Meredith Skrzypczak of the Hollywood Patch, other reporters and editors:

Your story spotlighting the previous sexual assault just a few days earlier in Hollywood is a first.

This hitherto media-ignored rape surge – including one gang rape last year on top of the Texas Guinan star on the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame, Vine Street near the intersection of Yucca Street, across from the famed Capitol Records tower in the heart of Hollywood – mostly is happening within a scant one-mile radius  of Hollywood and Vine.

The rape spree remains hush-hush in the mainstream media. Here's why and here is how to get to work and journalistically expose it.

Start by asking LAPD Hollywood Division and the Police Commission appointed by Mayor Villaraigosa how many more rapes must occur in Hollywood before Hollywood Capt. Grimala is told to declare a Hollywood Division Rape Alert?

How does she personally define a rape crime wave, as opposed to official LAPD policy?

Ask this same captain, a personal friend of Councilman Garcetti, if she ever has discussed this worsening rape crime surge with the mayoral candidate himself

If not, why not?

A Hollywood rape alert issued immediately might save the lives of women visitors in the near Hollywood future.

Then again, it would inevitably hurt tourism, damage attendance at Hollywood dance clubs and harm Councilman Garcetti's diminishing chances of being elected mayor since he is running loudly, triumphantly on a platform of “I personally cleaned up Hollywood!”

Questions? I Don’t Hear Any

Mr. Garcetti makes this declaration without challenging questions from the docile (when it comes to Eric) news media. Not a peep on the bloody topic of rape when you interview Garcetti, they are told.

For the past few years at City Hall, Councilman Garcetti persistently bats away all questions concerning current Hollywood crime facts and figures coming from hollywoodhighlands.org
during the public comment portion of City Council meetings. See for yourselves. Video of these meetings is available at LACity.org

Instead of responding forthrightly Mr. Garcetti pridefully and inaccurately answers all crime queries by falsely alleging “Crime is down in Hollywood.” A parrot-type response.

Meanwhile more and more women are found by responding LAPD Hollywood Division officers in the darkness, moaning, lying  in a pool of their own vaginal blood.

Who gives a damn?

Not the Los Angeles Times.

Not Publisher Eddy Hartenstein.

Not editor Davan Maharaj.

Not City Editor Mr. Shelby Grad or his second in command, Rich Connell.

Check out Crime Mapping LA. There you will discover that 2012 City of Los Angeles rape stats are up 6  percent over 2011 rape stats. 

Mainstream reporters often reside in the sections of Los Angeles County with the lowest incidence of street rape. Do you agree or disagree? Or do you remain silent?

Crime is down in Hollywood in 2012 only if you compare these most recent statistics to  moldy old statistics from a City of Los Angeles of 20 or more years ago – the era of the L.A. Riots that no longer exists.

Still another reason for Mr. Garcetti refusing to face the swelling forcible rape statistics under the Councilman's nose in his own pedestrian-dangerous Councilmanic backyard are the dwindling prospects of receiving still more mayoral contribution dough from the fat cat Hollywood club owners. They already have stuffed his campaign contribution pockets more than super-generously.

The club owner clique obviously would suffer financially if unaccompanied ladies stopped patronizing Hollywood clubs out of fear of being accosted in the early AM streets of Hollywood! A surprisingly large percentage of Hollywood clubgoers are women unaccompanied by males…the rapists' prey!

Don't forget that Hollywood rape victims are almost without exception minority, not white. Therefore, who really cares in the white news media about black, brown and yellow female forcible street rape victims in Tinseltown?

As one local reporter has said to me:

“I'm sorry but these girls brought it on themselves by walking the streets of Hollywood at that hour!”

This reporter is a PCR. That stands for Politically Correct Racist!

Visit hollywoodhighlands.org and Google our website's Hollywood rape spree coverage over the past couple of years to catch up on the evil doings in AM Hollywood.

Incidentally, is it true that some of these street rape victims were urinated upon by their assailants after they were through raping them on the sidewalk?

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywoodhighlands.org