Home OP-ED Four Easy Lessons for Overcoming a Fear of Earthquakes

Four Easy Lessons for Overcoming a Fear of Earthquakes


I have been receiving emails and calls lately asking for help regarding fear of earthquakes. Commonly, the person is experiencing constant anxiety and believes that an earthquake soon will strike. Hyper alertness, restlessness, irritability lack of sleep follow. They fear being killed by an earthquake.

Since I am not a native, my first California earthquake experience left me in the same place. Happily I have overcome those feelings. Our earthquakes have not been that severe.

Here are tips for dealing with earthquakes.

  • First, try to stop your what-if thinking. Anything you think may happen could happen. Focus on what is.
  • Second, find out all you can about earthquakes. Although an earthquake is scary, if you know about the mechanics of an earthquake, how they start, what they are, the most common areas where they occur, your fears will lessen.
  • Thirdly, take all the precautions you can. Ensure you have a spanner near your gas main on/off valve so you can turn it off. Know where your water turns on and off. Same for your electricity. Fasten bookcases and dressers to the wall. I suggest you strap your water heater to a wall, too.
  • Fourth, keep two emergency kits, in your car and at home. Cool and warm clothes, walking shoes, food, water, and a battery-powered radio.

Have a plan with other members of your household where you will meet up after a major earthquake.

Should a major earthquake hit Los Angeles, we can expect a high number of significant injuries, deaths and property damage. However, those with an understanding of earthquakes and with preparedness kits will fare better than most.

Unswerving Focus on Your Diet

It is crucial that you keep to a diet rich in protein to minimize nervousness. When stressed, we have a tendency to increase our metabolism. As a result, sugar levels may drop, creating low blood sugar. If left unresolved, it will create greater nervousness and anxiety.

The brain needs sugar to function. Carbohydrates give sugar fast but it soon exhausts itself. The brain becomes nervous when it does not have what it needs, and that is when your anxiety increases. When the brain is receiving a constant supply of protein, which breaks down to what the brain needs more slowly and consistently, it does not respond in a nervous or anxious way. It is in a better place because you have kept it well nourished. After the initial earthquake shock, you will instantly be functioning from your higher more logical self. You will think more logically and follow the earthquake plan that you have already worked out.

We never know when an earthquake may strike, which is why it is advisable to be prepared.

Hypnosis is effective in helping to resolve fear of earthquakes, teaching techniques for calming oneself following a quake. After hypnosis, you will be in a better place to ride out an earthquake.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net