Home OP-ED For Shame – Gruesome Death of Driver Is No Big Deal at...

For Shame – Gruesome Death of Driver Is No Big Deal at MTA or L.A. Times


[img]1862|right|Mr. Walsh||no_popup[/img]At the MTA, its No. 1 concern appears to be covering its own tail, fearing a huge wrongful death lawsuit by the survivors of the deceased operator/driver of the death trap bus.

The gruesome passing of an MTA bus operator, bleeding to death behind the steering wheel of her No. 18  route bus this early morning in downtown L.A. has drawn mediocre news coverage at best in the L.A. Times.

The Times’s reporting appears to seek to bury this horrific story even more quickly than the victim herself will be buried!

You only will get honest answers regarding collision details out of the LAPD.

MTA has been quite evasive on the “accident” particulars, standard MTA policy after any fatal MTA accidents!

I asked MTA Head Blogger and ex-LAT reporter Mr. Steve Hymon at 1:30 today at the MTA Building Cafeteria, face-to-face, whether the deceased bus operator was wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident.

Mr. Hymon's answer was a hasty and un-concerned “I don't know.”

Mr. Hymon refused to answer any further questions concerning this fatal collision, repeatedly pleading (willful?) ignorance of the facts of the case.

The LAT Internet reader comments in reaction to this Times story by reporter Joseph Serna were eye-opening.

All are in agreement that the outgoing L.A. Mayor and the City Council have allowed unlicensed tow-truck drivers to run amok in this city for a long, long time.

The blood of this MTA employee/victim partially stains the hands of the L.A. Times Editor-In-Chief Mr. Davan Maharaj for perpetually ignoring this frightful situation until that same blood was ultimately shed on the streets of L.A.

For shame.

Mr. Walsh may be contracted at hollywoodhighlands.org and jwalshconfidential.wordpress.com