Home OP-ED Fling Open the Jail Doors and Push ‘em Back in

Fling Open the Jail Doors and Push ‘em Back in


Media bias is a driving force in American daily life, and here is another sterling example:

Last weekend’s release of the two American punk hikers was the type of story my late brother would have loved. He would fastidiously attach himself to each detail.

I find freak stories to be wasteful expenditures.

Here were wise-guy mugs who deserved every punishment Iran meted out.

If you believe these airheaded boys with an equally ditzy girlfriend accidentally wandered over the border into Persia, stop now and dial your therapist.

Berkeley grads, their two payback years in an Iranian prison failed to clean up their cluttered minds.

In heart-thumping synchronization, The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Titanic and the very liberal Associated Press typically ignored the damning portion of what the punks venemously said.

Instead, the left-wing media celebrated them as sin-free choir boys, bulging with pure thoughts, strolling innocently through war-torn lands when, whaddaya know, they encounter a sign that says “Iran, 2 Inches Ahead.”

My golly.

Let’s invite them over for the beginning of Rosh Hashana tonight. Ostensibly, they are Jewish.

Seems a mystery party paid a $1 million bribe to the Smiling Dwarf’s terrorist government to free them.

I am sorry.

Shane Bauer, 29 years old, one of the punks, said:

“We do not know if we crossed the border. We will probably never know.” He said the “only explanation” for their detention — can you smell an ugly punch line beckoning? — was diplomatic hostility between Iran and the U.S. that goes back 32 years to the infamous hostage crisis.

“The irony,” said Mr. Bauer, a brilliant son of Berkeley, “is that Sarah, Josh and I oppose U.S. policies toward Iran, which perpetuate this hostility.”

What a wretched young man.

The giants of journalism calculatedly looked past that poisonous observation the way they do when Swishy commits a gaffe.

I found this only in the nation’s No. 1 newspaper, the Wall Street Journal.

If you rely on the left to inform you, you also missed the following gem of a rant from Swishy last weekend when he was addressing Slapsy Maxie Waters and the Congressional Black Caucus:

“If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew, uh, as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that.”

As a Jew, I do.