Home OP-ED Financially, Culver City Teachers Are on the Right Track, Mielke Says

Financially, Culver City Teachers Are on the Right Track, Mielke Says


[Editor’s Note: Here is an update that Mr. Mielke, president of the Teachers Union, mailed last evening to his members.]

Friends –

Each year LACOE (the Los Angeles County Office of Education) publishes a report comparing salaries and benefits for districts throughout the County. Their most recent report has just been released.  Some highlights:

1.  Of the 47 unified districts in the County, just 18 districts reported an increase to their salary schedules.

2.  Culver City showed an overall salary increase of 4.27 percent from the previous year. That number includes the 2 percent salary increase as well as the recision of furlough days from the previous year.  That was the second largest increase in the County, trailing only Covina Valley at 4.57 percent.

3.  Over 10 unified districts still had furlough days last year.

4.  The Health and Welfare section of the rankings is based on the maximum district contribution to your healthcare premiums.  We currently are exactly at the median: No. 24 out of the 47 districts with a maximum district contribution of $11,508.

As you know, we will be bargaining again this year, and we have already submitted our opening proposal. CCUSD management has agreed, in principle, to fund increases large enough to move our salaries to the median in the county over the next few years.  We have aproposed increases to health and welfare benefits.

If you'd like a full copy of the report, just let me know. 

Finally, there is no question that this new, collaborative relationship that has developed between our unions and CCUSD's management and School Board is paying dividends. As the LACOE report shows, our compensation is improving. But, equally important, I think, is that our school culture is changing. There is a real sense that “we're all in this together,” and that “success for all, takes us all.” 

This, of course, makes going to work each day even more fun!  But, more importantly, research has shown that districts with true labor/management partnerships experience significant increases in student achievement. And that, after all, is why we work so hard each day.

We're on the right track. 


Mr. Mielke may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org