Home OP-ED Feinstein Rewards Apparent Pal with High-Profile Nomination

Feinstein Rewards Apparent Pal with High-Profile Nomination


Second in a series

Re “Sen. Feinstein Rewards Rich Cronies at the Expense of Homeless Veterans”

One of the unlawful contracts by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is with her affluent, influential friends in a neighboring community, adjacent to the VA property. A 30-year agreement was manipulated to build a public park on Veterans’ property “for the enjoyment of the entire community.” Meanwhile, tens of thousands of disabled, disadvantaged Veterans have been exiled, forced into inhumane conditions of homelessness and suffering.
Another of the illegal deals involves Sen. Feinstein’s husband, Richard, a member of the University of California’s Board of Regents. They negotiated a real estate deal with the VA bureaucrats to lease a hundred-million dollar parcel of Veterans land dirt cheap for UCLA's state-of-the-art baseball stadium.
This misappropriated federal VA property is in U.S. Rep. Henry A. Waxman’s (D-Beverly Hills) 33rd Congressional District.

Congressman Waxman is not a Veteran of our armed forces, but he is an alumnus of UCLA. Do you want to go out on a limb and guess where his loyalty is?

Meanwhile, Los Angeles is our nation's capital for homeless Veterans. Instead of building new quality housing on this land to care for our war-injured and destitute Veterans, it has been corruptly leased to non-Veteran entities for non-Veteran use.
As anticipated, the hard-fought lawsuit against the VA was won by the ACLU’s stellar team of attorneys that comprise some of our nation’s most prestigious law firms and top legal scholars.

With the irony of poetic and military justice, U.S. Atty. Birotte and his team of government attorneys were soundly defeated in their hostile war against Vietnam Veterans of American and disabled homeless Veterans.

Even though U.S. Atty. Birotte and his courtroom warriors were fairly beaten on the battlefield of the California Central District Court, he has unforgivably appealed the Judgment and continues to wage war against the plaintiffs, Vietnam Veterans of America and homeless Veterans by instigating a new battle in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. 

As though this isn’t sinister enough, Sen. Feinstein has recommended Mr. Birotte for a federal judgeship in the California Central District Court.

Could It Grow Worse?

Fellow Americans, this is cesspool cronyism at its worst. It does not get lower or more disgusting. Nor has the stench of political payback ever stunk any fouler.

The senator’s judgeship recommendation makes a mockery of the American judicial system. It represents  a sacrilegious assault against the men and women who pledged their lives to defend our U.S. Constitution and the safety of our nation.

Let there be no misunderstanding: Sen. Feinstein’s recommendation was reinforced after Mr. Birotte proved his loyalty to the defendants and the illegal occupiers by appealing the federal judgment.

In sum, this judgeship recommendation is political payback for Mr. Birotte’s loyal, determined commitment to defend the illegal real estate contracts manipulated behind closed doors between the VA bureaucrats and influential non-Veteran entities. 

More than a century ago, Teddy Roosevelt forewarned of this kind of insidious conduct: “Behind the ostensible government sit enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

(To be continued)

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com