Home OP-ED Exposition Boulevard Looks Like Any Other Ghost Town

Exposition Boulevard Looks Like Any Other Ghost Town



Exposition resembles any other ribbon of concrete and aging buildings that were abandoned years ago.

But it was not years ago. Until pretty recently, it was humming, thriving, supporting numerous families.

Most significantly, it was not bothering anyone.

And now Exposition is awash in invisible tears.

Days ago, the longtime entrepreneur Patrick Vorceak, technically the last vendor standing, closed his wrought iron furniture business.

At 8829 Exposition, behind a large, secured gate, the owner’s eloquent, desperate message to City Hall, scrawled on a smallish chalkboard, remains posted for all passersby to read and muse about:

“Keep Out: All Dogs, Thieves and Redevelopment Personnel.”

A victim of eminent domain law, Mr. Vorceak, strongly against his will, was forced to the sidelines this spring when City Hall told him it was buying him out — and it did.

The True Last Man

In actuality, the last man standing on Exposition Boulevard may turn out to be the biggest story of all.

Marc Chiat is a somewhat mysterious, somewhat exotic artist whose Exposition Boulevard business remains a going concern.

He has pledged the fight of his life.

So far, it is.

A trial is anticipated later in the summer.

Mr. Chiat’s powerfully dramatic battle strings together every element of a classical American screenplay.

Is He the Underdog?

The quintessential Dave vs. Goliath.

Handsome leading man, and articulate, too.

Packs just the right amount of fire. Vows to fight City Hall.

Attractive and young family.

The Chiats spend part of the year in Culver City, part abroad.

Sherlock Holmes could by stumped by their whereabouts.

They are believed to have been abroad since last year, but the people who would know are not saying.

Who Is Worried?

No one is showing nervousness inside of City Hall, but Chiat partisans suggest they should.

Mr. Chiat is eloquently represented by the king of eminent domain-slaying attorneys, Robert P. Silverstein.

Last September, Mr. Silverstein beat the city of Los Angeles in a huge eminent domain case.

This may occur every century, but no more than once.

Sensing Victory

Mr. Silverstein said this morning he believes he can defeat the entire Culver City project in this zone just east of Downtown, for which City Hall has vast plans and a royal treasure chest of revenue.