Home OP-ED Executing Hypnosis When I Am in L.A. and You’re Across the World

Executing Hypnosis When I Am in L.A. and You’re Across the World


With improvements in the internet and video chat, such as Face Time and Skype, there are changes within my practice. Forty percent of my clients are now online sessions.

I prefer clients come to my office. I accept that they have busy lives.  and cannot always come in to see me. If I do a session via video chat, the client should have come to my office first. Why? Once a client has been in, a conditioning has begun. Conditioning is helpful when continuing  nline.

I have hypnotized people by telephone, by video chat, and even in person in the heart of the Grand Canyon when the temperature was 116.

I have hypnotized in swimming pools, hotel rooms, on stage, places too numerous to mention.

Each instant was successful because the person wanted to be hypnotized. In addition, conditioning is just as effective in person as it is online.

If you do not want to be hypnotized, no amount of persuasion will work. The person must be willing.

Video chats usually are as successful as in-person sessions. All I need to do as a hypnotist is to be able to see the client’s reaction to my suggestions. As I observe their reaction, I hypnotize. Seeing the client is useful, not essential.

I remember a neurosurgeon who was nervous about speaking in public. We had a phone session just prior to his presentation in Las Vegas. I was unable to see him, but he became relaxed, and his presentation was  successful.

Losing Contact

A major concern is what would happen if we became disconnected during a video chat. Not a major issue. I call back five to ten minutes later. Why do I wait? When a person is hypnotized and someone is talking to him, he is alert, listening to what is being said. If nothing is being said, the hypnosis fades, converting into a natural sleep. I wait for the sleep, then call the client. Happily, only one connection has been lost.

Hypnosis is thousands of years old. We have a great tool to expand our ability to help people all over the world.

One client, a professional photographer, is traveling the world. She calls every two to three weeks to ease her travel anxiety. 

A gentleman in Northern California is experiencing trouble in his relationship, and we are having video sessions. He, too, is  happy with the results. Yet we never have met.  Except via Skype and Face Time.

After earthquakes in New Zealand, I received calls from people who never had experienced them. They were fearful and nervous.  Video chat sessions helped them as much as if I were seeing them in person.

Do not let distance or travel time be an obstacle.  Come in, or arrange a video chat.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net