Home OP-ED Endless Fascination of Others with Hypnosis

Endless Fascination of Others with Hypnosis


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak|remove link|no_popup[/img]While on vacation with my wife recently in Cancun, we were talking with a half dozen people by the bar in the resort swimming pool.

Where we were from and what our careers were.

I said I was clinical hypnotherapist and handwriting analyst. For some reason, people always say, “ That is very cool, and I have lot of questions.”

No different this time. They asked me to demonstrate handwriting analysis and hypnosis.

Without going into too much detail, two of them grabbed napkins and began writing, doing their best to keep the napkins dry. After hearing my analysis, they were amazed at what it told them about themselves. They were further surprised to discover that by changing aspects of their handwriting that they could correct parts of their personality.

For example, if you have low self-esteem, there is a particular letter that shows self-confidence. If I see either esteem or confidence is low, I will show the writer how to change the letter to reflect an improvement.

Making the Connection

It works like this. We never think of how we write because we learned to write so long ago that it is stored within our sub-conscious. So we don’t concentrate on how we write but on what we are writing. Just like tying a shoelace, we don’t think about it. The sub-conscious sends the appropriate commands and the lace is tied.

If we apply this to writing, we know that how we write is sub-conscious. I f you consciously change the letter to reflect the higher self-esteem and self-confidence, it becomes automatic (after some conscious repetition). As that happens, your writing begins to reflect the higher self-esteem and self-confidence and your behavior changes to reflect your new feelings.

After I had analyzed their handwriting, one person whose writing I had analyzed asked me to hypnotize him. As I always do in these circumstances, I explained what he could expect and proceeded. He hypnotized well. His friends were awed. All asked me to hypnotize them.

So there we were in a shallow pool by a bar. This was without a doubt the oddest place I ever conducted group hypnosis, all of us kneeling in the water on the pool floor. The group hypnosis went well and everyone came out of the trance feeling rested, relaxed and energized, my goal in these scenarios.

Won’t You Come See Us?

One was so impressed with the feeling and the power that she wanted me to come to her hometown and work with family members. I agreed, but said that if I could not, I could work with them via video conferencing.

That surprised her. Was it possible to hypnotize by video? I have done that many times. A hypnotic state is easy to create. Once established, the skill and difficulty is to know what to do once a person is hypnotized. Thankfully, I have 21 years of experience and know what to do and to say.

As long as I can see a person, I can hypnotize. Hypnosis is possible by phone though, I tend not to hypnotize that way. I would rather see how the person enters the hypnotic state. No two hypnotize the same way. Each person is unique in the way he or she enters the hypnotic state. I want to ensure that I can see their reaction.

The main concern people have is what happens if the connection is lost. The answer: In a short time, the person will convert from hypnosis to sleep, then awaken a short time later rested and refreshed.

Should that happen, I wait 10 minutes, call back, re-hypnotize and continue the session.

Technology is amazing.

When mixed with the ancient skill of hypnosis, a client is able to experience the desired changes.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net