Home Editor's Essays Will the Sol Ever Shine Again Over Culver City?

Will the Sol Ever Shine Again Over Culver City?


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]With undeniable clarity and enviable eloquence, Sol Blumenfeld, perhaps the most under-rated orator in our town, explained – scenically, modestly – to a Chamber of Commerce breakfast yesterday how drastically the Redevelopment Agency has rearranged and upgraded Culver City just in the last four years.

As the Community Development Director the last four years, the brainy Mr. Blumenfeld is, in City Hall hierarchy, relegated to a remote bench. Patiently, he sits far behind the City Manager and City Council members, the Sexy Six who are regarded as the main, or only, faces of Culver City government.

Not an incidental dimension of the Blumenfeld package is Mr. Blumenfeld’s hair, the last man in Culver City who parts his in the middle. If it reminds you of the way men wore their hair a century ago, it also serves as a reliable metaphor for a gentleman who thinks soundly, traditionally, and speaks as if he should do it for a living, three values more fashionable then than now.

The first time I interviewed him, and I don’t think I have been back to his office since, I was stunned by his gold-framed articulation, how he made never-wavering eye contact, how meticulously he described the deeply spiritual romance that a visionary joyfully experiences with the magnificent latticework that underpins the historic principles of urban planning.

Not many minutes along, I realized I had unintentionally slipped into a university seminar Mr. Blumenfeld was giving on what I previously had considered the dull arcanities of planning.

As a visionary and a producer, Mr. Blumenfeld merits a seat in the upper echelon of any community he chooses.

Upside Down

In this state that the governor runs as if he were a drunk madam in charge of Planned Abortionhood, geniuses get fired while the underclass gullywashers in charge of the Democrat party dictate armistice terms.

If you melded the IQs of the governor and legislators on one side and Mr. Blumenfeld on the other, he still would lead by 75 points.

Mr. Blumenfeld is a shamefully uncelebrated cerebral architect. He represents a rare gift to Culver City who just had irreversible handcuffs and leg irons snapped onto his talented limbs by peasants, by the ignorant, selfish, always-angry, mentally homeless Democrat administration in Sacramento, from the childless, idea-free governor to the intellectually-incidental Legislature. They think slightly more narrowly than a grammar school dropout, a lunch-pail shlepper incurably envious of those who are more comfortable than he is in his hovel.

Even if Mr. B stays on for years, he has been permanently barred from developing Culver City how he knows best because of the pompous grunge-minded in Sacramento.

How do you think Swishy became President Inept?

Why do you think the Democrat party appeals to the lightest thinkers in America? Its soppy programs don’t register with those who have been to school.

Okay, Defend Yourself

In the 35 days since the state Supreme Court sloppily affirmed the stupidity of the Democrat legislators and their master, Gov. Flat Tire, none has articulated the real reasons for killing off Agencies as honestly as City Manager John Nachbar did yesterday.

The 400 Redevelopment Agencies not only represented a pot of gold that turns their coffers into tempting booty for beggars – he didn’t phrase it quite that harshly – and they were judged the weakest government compartment, the most vulnerable, pure pigeon prey.

The next time you see pigeons puttering along a sidewalk grubbing for food, think about Flat Tire and his hench boys and girls.

It is a family portrait.