Home Editor's Essays Why I Voted Against Prop. 8, and How Its Opponents Are...

Why I Voted Against Prop. 8, and How Its Opponents Are Deviously Exposing Their Enemies



To the surprise of some friends, for intensely personal reasons, I voted “no” last week on Prop. 8, which would outlaw recently-certified same-sex marriage in California.

My selfish motivation was to secure an ultimate benefit for an extremely close relative.

This purposely vague description underscores the delicate relationship with my “extremely close relative” as well as his predicament — not of his making — in confronting American society as a young and ambitious man saddled with a social stigma.

I hope my vote will help ease a burden he has publicly borne since the age of 16. He has silently shouldered some criticism, but it has inflicted an indeterminate psychological damage.

Like many of his peers, he envisions marriage and children, in his 20s and 30s. In the spirit of helping to grant that heartfelt wish, I cast my vote for his peace, happiness and fulfillment.

The Rabble and Their Rousing

My problem is the hysterical riff-raff, the pedestrian liberals, opposing the proposition. Sincere imposters, they appear incapable of unclouded, much less individual, thoughts.

Fury fortifies them.

Rhetorically empty vessels, they lead vacuous, meandering lives , desperately searching for a teardrop of validation. Genetically grim, they employ the kind of clownish hyperbole associated with ill-tempered children and with longtime hospital patients.

They barely can speak, on any subject, without dipping into their cracker-jack box of often vulgar and vicious characterizations and exaggerations.

Discouraging separate identity, like certain wild animals, they travel in roving packs.

Sadly, they have destroyed all remnants of civility in what should have been common-sense debate with serious traditionalists who are sincerely defending a fortress of their belief system that is under siege. For this alone, traditionalists have routinely been called unprintable names by people who envy their comfort in life.

Left-wingers seem to have been born with a genetic disposition toward beastly meanness. Verbal cruelty comes as effortlessly to many of them as sitting down to dinner with your spouse does to regular persons. They are vocal and physical table-pounders, believing the validity of their claims will increase in precise proportion to their volume.

They are as dependably angry toward life, daily, as a religious person is pious, as a regular person is smilingly content, happy with their lot in life.

Two Sides of the Same Bum Joke

Hypocritically left-wingers accuse religious persons of attempting to impose their values on the unwilling. They are trying to do the same, but with the help of a typically sycophantic media, left-wing journalists treat logic and seriousness as enemies to be conquered. Long ago, they traded oxygen for hyperbole.

Since Barack Obama has made a joke out of running for President, the intimidated left-wing media has responded by making a joke out of campaign coverage. The result is the kind of insulting campaign that has bulldozed Prop. 8 over the cliff.

As you know, the pure meanness and thuggishness of liberals never is to be underestimated when it comes to public policy. With the cooperation of his sheepish friends in the media, Mr. Obama has managed to keep secret embarrassing patches of his resume and his leaky character.

Reversing this stand, when liberals want to embarrass their foes, they knock down boundaries of discretion and decency as if they were made of papier mache.

We read, for example, that Mr. Obama has resorted to extreme contortions to hide the identities of his low-end donors.

Mad Dogs on a Victim Quest

On the flip side, the anti-Prop. 8 fanatics, in a radical twist even for them, have accomplished the opposite.

In a childish attempt to embarrass backers of Prop. 8, to expose them to phony charges of bigotry, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times both have made available a searchable data base of donors, both for and against Prop. 8. Are you interested in nailing someone you know as an anti-gay bigot? All you have to do is type in the name of your victim. If his name comes up on the “wrong” side of Prop. 8, you may assail him tomorrow morning in the office, and he never will know how you unmasked him. The Chronicle, hardly a giant in contemporary journalism, reported 500,000 hits in the first 72 hours.

Too bad such a device is unavailable for exposing the lies that Mr. Obama has related so facilely about his mentors and pals, Prof. Hate, Rashid Khalidi, about Rezko, Ayers and the filthy-mouthed pastor who took a pledge to only speak illy of America when Mr. Obama was not in his pew. What a guy.