Home Editor's Essays Who Is Swish Taking to the Senior Prom? Iran, Natch

Who Is Swish Taking to the Senior Prom? Iran, Natch


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img] While I do not doubt it is sheer non-terrorist coincidence, as Swish airily said, that a fine broth of a milk-drinking American lad like freckle-faced, redheaded, snubby-nosed Malik Hasan — fresh off a Nebraska farm, I presume — shot up Ft. Hood this afternoon, let us more closely examine one of President Obama’s most annoying habits.

Anyone could have 64 policy disagreements with a President of the United States, as I do.

Far more disturbing, and perilous, are Swish’s perilous but papered-over character deficiencies.

He is incapable of making a tougher decision than when to go to sleep.

Presidents, by their nature, are stubborn, demanding to do things their way. The non-stubborn President probably never has been born. The question is, to what degree is his stubbornness coloring, or sinking, his tottering Presidency?

More than any President I have ever heard of, the insecure narcissist that Swish is, wants everybody to like him.

I do, too. But, unlike Swish, I am not going to wander down an alley, stop a gun-toting hood and beg, “Like me, please.”

Swish Playing the Fool’s Role

Come El Segundo or high water, Swish is determined that America will have a backslapping relationship with the Smiling Dwarf and his lunatic followers who, one citizen at a time, are burning down Iran.

The Iranian killers are not committing daily mayhem behind a tree.

Not underground.

Not after dark.

Not with subtlety.

Rather, when the whole darned world, including Swish’s tyrant pals, is looking.

No matter how many mumbling, lookalike mullahs insult Swish and America, President Dither is not going to be deterred in his silly mission to lick the boot of every dictator his tongue can reach.

The boys in the media, still mechanically loyal to him, form a human shield before Swish as if he were their vulnerable baby brother.

Hit Me Again, Harder, Harder

Swish, who surely is the slowest thinking President in modern times, looks at the way the brazen Dwarf’s troops are torturing remarkably courageous Iranian protestors, puts his hands on his hips, looks at you disgustedly as if you should have known the answer, and spits out this astounding response:

“We do not interfere in the internal affairs of other governments.”

Except Israel, but I digress.

Israel this week intercepts an Iranian ship smuggling thousands of rockets and other terrorist weaponry to Hezbollah and Syria, the land of misguided former altar boys, and the best Swish can do is to strike a Jack Benny, arms-folded pose and smirk at you.

Swish is so emasculated from living with Mad (I Am the Boss) Michelle that he appears incapable of deciding whether to put catsup or car grease on his hamburger.

In the Oval Office, on those rare occasions he visits Washington, Swish becomes catatonic five times a day. He is as confused as an addict.

Dumb Bobby Gibbs, the boobiest Press Secretary in our lifetime, has to come up with a new excuse daily to explain why the daffy-minded President is in his fourth month — ! — of trying to decide whether to grant Gen. McChrystal’s request for 40,000 troops for Afghanistan.

Over the last two months, the Smiling Dwarf repeatedly has made a fool of Swish on the supposedly flimsy question of “Are we are or aren’t we building a nuclear bomb?”

Swish, our Dear Leader, doesn’t take the Dwarf seriously. Impatently shifting his weight, he says, mockingly, “Dwarves will be Dwarves, you know.”

Beyond his ego, Swish takes little seriously, it would seem one black year and one black day after he was elected.

If you haven’t had dinner, digest this amazing statement that President Obama issued yesterday on how determined he is to sleep with the Dwarf:

“I have made it clear that the United States of America wants to move beyond this past, and seeks a relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran based upon mutual interests and mutual respect. We do not interfere in Iran's internal affairs. We have condemned terrorist attacks against Iran. We have recognized Iran's international right to peaceful nuclear power. We have demonstrated our willingness to take confidence-building steps along with others in the international community. We have accepted a proposal by the International Atomic Energy Agency to meet Iran's request for assistance in meeting the medical needs of its people. We have made clear that if Iran lives up to the obligations that every nation has, it will have a path to a more prosperous and productive relationship with the international community.”

I fear for all of us after studying Swish and his addiction to being loved by the “international community”