Home Editor's Essays Where Lincoln Was Right and Obama Is Wrong

Where Lincoln Was Right and Obama Is Wrong


[img]2278|right|||no_popup[/img]What I will remember most about President Obama when he leaves office will be his extreme discomfort living in our country.

His land, this is not.

In his bones, he is no more American than Putin, Cameron or Merkel.

This pinpoints exactly why Swishy, relentless pursuer of exclusive attention, refused to find time in his busy recreation schedule to drop into Gettysburg this afternoon to honor the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln’s golden Gettysburg Address. The least able and most runaway President since the Garden of Eden, instead, is sending the faceless, meaningless Secretary of the Interior, whomever that may be.

Only when cornered like a crippled rat has the insufferable megalomaniac muttered darned near, but not quite, honorable words about America.

His body of work, his daily behavior present irrefutable evidence that since his youth Mr. Obama the interloper  has borne an incurable grievance against our land, that he has regarded himself as a temporary resident, merely a visitor.

The most incisively reasoned theory on why Mr. Obama is going into his Ted Cooke mode, diving under the desk on a historic day, was reached by Prof. Steven Howard of powerlineblog.com and forbes.com

At first Prof. Howard was unsure whether to be outraged or relieved that Swishy is boycotting ceremonies. By the end though, the professor’s mind was clearer. He argued:

“One reason may be that Mr. Obama has to carefully avoid associating himself fully with Mr. Lincoln’s view about the centrality of what Mr. Lincoln called, at Gettysburg, ‘the proposition’ that ‘all men are created equal.’  Mr. Obama omitted this famous line from the Declaration of Independence in his famous Philadelphia speech about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy in 2008.  He did finally quote the Declaration’s ‘self-evident truth’ in his second inaugural address earlier this year, but then added in a revealing line, ‘while these truths may be self-evident. . .’

“ ‘May’ be self-evident?  This is what intellectual poker players would call a revealing ‘tell.’  If hooked up to a polygraph, Mr. Obama would likely have to confess to the modern liberal view that individual rights come not from our natural equality as human beings, but from a positive grant from government.  The redistributive welfare state depends on this principle for its legitimacy, as does today’s ‘progressive’ insistence on dividing people into groups according to skin color or gender or sexual preference, and assigning hierarchies of legal rights accordingly.  Much of modern liberal philosophy depends on turgid obfuscation to disguise the fact that it is at odds with Lincoln’s understanding of equal rights.

“On second thought, we should be glad Obama is skipping out on Gettysburg.”