Home Editor's Essays There Goes Mr. Ridley-Thomas Again

There Goes Mr. Ridley-Thomas Again


Except for the two mayoralty finalists, County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas this afternoon remains the most consistently disappointing politician in Los Angeles.

The saddest dimension of that judgment of a wonderfully likable man, is that he also may be the smartest politician in town.

His mind is well rested, though, after launching his latest knee-jerk reaction – unworthy of his gifted mind.

Like most liberals, he is seemingly undisciplined, exasperatingly incapable of rendering a serious reading of an emotional topic.

He doesn’t just slide, he willfully plummets, into traps that his fellow liberals set for him.

He recently penned an essay in the Huffington Post (http://ridley-thomas.lacounty.gov/index.php/voting-rights/)
in which he argued that no portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 should be rescinded because somewhere in our land lurks a racist, and by golly, our County Supervisor is going to unmask him.

He almost squeezed more fiction into that piece than Henry James wrote the last 26 years of his life. 

Good thing his balminess was not subjected to a lie detector.

Driven by a loathing for non-liberals, Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s latest jumbo gaffe is a slobbering defense unworthy of one who wishes to be regarded as a scholar.

His mother would have scolded him for, once again, unwisely surrendering and choosing his mouth over his mind.

He contends that “Obama-haters” sought to submarine the election. If you tell me Republicans and other normal types wanted to prevent the incompetent President from a second term, he would be correct. But he wanders down an angry road – how unusual. He concludes, with no smile in sight, that because everyone in the country did not vote last November for the lazy, Mendacious Mediocrity in the White House, it proves all of those “haters” are racists because they did not vote for the black candidate.

Doesn’t he ever tire of this phony haranguing?

If he were making such a laughable assertion in a classroom to students of any age, he would be forced to run for shelter.

Surely, Mr. Ridley-Thomas should restrict such roaming-eyed theories to private conversations. Then his circle could chuckle at their insightfulness without embarrassing themselves.

Except the Voting Rights Act is hot right now, and few liberals can resist a smear.

Everybody who disagrees with liberal minds is a fool – from the President on up, or down, that is the trajectory of Democrat party thinking.

Liberal racism is riding high again.

I never have known a liberal who could resist the temptation to gassify when offered an opening to emote rather than to reason. Certainly not the Supervisor.

In public, such a failing reflects illy on a person who wants normal people to take him seriously.

Mr. Ridley-Thomas last year aligned himself with the buffoonish crowd of liberal liars – U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga) and the Rev. Al Sharpton, two of America’s least respected public figures – who proclaimed, daily, that recently enacted voting laws requiring photo identification was racist.

Is there no discipline in the party?

Fatuously, the Supervisor contends that scant progress in racial relations has been made in the last 48 years.

I told you his mind is well rested.

Unfortunately, Mr. Ridley-Thomas, your once shining reputation is wilting at record speed in the sunlight.

When you calm down, let’s talk.