Home Editor's Essays Them There Boys Are Crazy About Sarah, Aren’t They?

Them There Boys Are Crazy About Sarah, Aren’t They?


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]huffingtonpost.com is to be commended for its laudatory, and perhaps painful, restraint this afternoon.

Not one word about Sarah Palin, mockingly, of course, until Item No. 3.

Only one other piece on today’s blog lampoons her.

As previously noted, she is neither the best nor the worst politician of recent years, but she has been turned into a martyr by jealous liberals, fearful she will run in ’12. They don’t know what to make of a beautiful and authentic family woman who lives by traditional family values.

Liberals, who have no intellectual response to Ms. Palin, can’t stop mocking her presumably because they lack substantive responses to her policy proposals.

The Associated Press, which openly loathes Republicans and conservatives, put 11 fact-checkers on Ms. Palin’s hit book. The dirt they uncovered would fit atop the head of a cue-tip.

What is the specific criticism of Ms. Palin?

My stepdaughter’s bestest friend, also in her mid-20s, couldn’t wait for me to speed to the question mark?

An honorable woman by all standards, the friend said she never has been able to get over Ms. Palin’s interview with Katie Couric.

I agree. It was a bomb.

But that is your strongest criticism of a model mom who has been a hurricane-strength force for noble values, worldwide, the last 15 months? It was.

Who Agrees with Everything?

“I don’t agree with her stance on abortion,” said an older pro-life lady of my acquaintance. So?

I disagreed with some of Mr. Lincoln’s policies, and he is the strongest President in history. I disagreed with some of Mr. Bush’s, and he was the most honorable President since Mr. Lincoln.

If Ms. Palin is so worthless, why can’t liberals change the subject? I love my wife, but I have resisted the urge to write about her, daily, for 15 consecutive months.

Her authenticity compares favorably to the scripted, rehearsed administration of stumbling Swish.

President Obama’s approval — except among typically anti-thinking blacks and Jews — is sinking faster than a boulder in a bathtub because of the amazing personality confusion he suffers from — a bully who dithers. For 56 weeks, he has been incapable of striking a strong, clear decision on troop build up.

Instead, he complains about former President Bush’s toothpaste, or something equally silly. An intellectual, he is not. He is, instead, a role-player. Wind him up, watch himwalk, stiffly and stuffily.

The White House, whose favorite daily description of Swish’s actions is “unprecedented,” is building up tomorrow night’s well-practiced troops-to-Afghanistan speech as the analogue to sending an orphanage to the circus.

Boy, is this going to be fun, elephants and clowns.

Four months of dithering, and if White House leaks are accurate, Swish will propose to cut the baby in half by giving Gen. McChrystal part of the troops he requested.

And which half of the baby would you prefer, Solomon Obama asked the mothers: The half that eats or the half that doesn’t?

More overwhelmed by the day by his duties and by his world-class ego, which is unraveling the truth about the empty suit he is, Mr. Obama is looking more like a low-brow community organizer whose toughest decision is whether to accept the YMCA’s luncheon speech offer for this week or next.

Meanwhile, the more experienced Ms. Palin is enjoying the time of her life and Swish walks around scratching his confused head wondering why his roster of critics is expanding.

Foud Ajami, a prominent Johns Hopkins professor, reports in today’s Wall Street Journal that 82 percent of Palestinians hold an unfavorable view of the United States, 68 percent of Pakistanis, 69 percent of Turks, 70 percent of Egyptians.

Swish, I thought you knew how to mollify your fellow Muslims.