More than my late mother, more than my father, more than any of my 4 sons, I profoundly admire the Olympian restraint routinely exercised by slightly overweight Democratic women in power who are able to control their Republican-sized tempers until it is absolutely necessary to explode.
Like 9 o’clock, a.m. or p.m.
Or 7 o’clock, a.m. or p.m.
Or 12 o’clock, a.m. or p.m.
Or 3:15, a.m. or p.m.
Whenever voters tire of electing the badly overrated Speaker of the Assembly Karen (Iron Fist) Bass (D-Culver City), I will happily consider hiring the little lady as Chief of Quality Control for this newspaper.
She may not know anything about Quality. And she certainly knows less about Chiefing than about chafing or chastising. But by golly, the short, round Speaker has Control down even better than the deposed Musharraf thought he did.
Losing Shaky Grip on Her Temper
You may have read yesterday about Ms. Bass’s newest outburst.
Feeling a little power-starved Sunday evening, Ms. Bass doubled her fists, narrowed her gaze, pushed the “Smoke Comes Out of My Ears” button that she won in a raffle, pressed her circular circumference inward with both thumbs, and ordered a fellow Democrat of the female persuasion who is prettier, one Nicole Parra of Hanford, to clean out her office and move her belongings across the street into a less prestigious building.
Ms. Bass, playing the Wicked Witch of the West, warned Ms. Parra to be fully moved by 4 the next afternoon.
Or else, I suppose, the vengeful, teeth-baring speaker might have turned her rival into a Republican.
Ms. Parra’s thoughtful offense was a big deal in Ms. Bass’s cloistered, claustrophobic little world. Ms. Parra refused to vote for a Democrat-crafted state spending plan because it ignored the needs of her Hanford district, and Ms. Parra had warned Ms. Bass far in advance how she would vote, giving the speaker plenty of time to grease up her spiteful temper.
Some observers think Ms. Bass must be off her diet again.
Lookalikes Around Their Well-Fed Middle
What is it with Democratic women who control people as if they were insects but can’t control their weight?
Tantrum-tossing Karen Bass, meet another nightmare, U.S. Rep. Laura (Bad Penny) Richardson (D-Carson).
Ms. Richardson reminds me of a deep post-meal burp.
The shape-challenged Ms. Richardson is one of the most disgraceful behaving members of Congress. Since both chambers are dominated by Democrats, even a child knows that means there is plenty of disgrace to spread around.
Chubby and Her Checkered Career
Ms. Richardson, her career wracked and possibly soon to be wrecked by haunting insecurity and constant money problems, is a thick thug who wears her race on her sleeve.
Largely ignored by the Los Angeles Times because she belongs to the sacred society known as Democrats, she has been in the news the last 100 days for cheating banks out of payments on 3 homes that she bought in recent times and let go to seed, presumably on the grounds she is a single black woman.
Known for her gargantuan greediness and insolent arrogance, Ms. Richardson told Long Beach area voters in her most recent election last year they should support her because she was black and shun her Latino opponent because she was of the wrong ethnicity.
So What Is the Cure, Doctor?
In view of the tall evidence, I am going to recommend that Ms. Bass and Ms. Richardson both be ordered to enroll in sensitivity training courses for Democratic women whose tummies and egos both tilt, heavily, toward the outsized.