Home Editor's Essays The Truth Behind the Ferguson Fibs About Racism

The Truth Behind the Ferguson Fibs About Racism


The shiftless two-thirds black population of Ferguson finally has taken a minimal forward step, earthshaking by the modest standards of the St. Louis suburb.

Next week will mark two months since out-of-town radical left-wing black racist agitators poured into the hapless burg, picked out likely young people and smoothly convinced them the Mike Brown shooting was a crime born of racism. It only takes one spark to explode a forest fire.

The disgraceful outbreak that followed was a racist anarchist’s dream, unending dessert for the American and international media. Truth was buried faster than the 300-pound Mr. Brown, who had just robbed a liquor store.

One of the loudest wails from the pro-racism crowd was that five of Ferguson’s six City Council members are white. This was incontrovertible proof of racism, charged the racists.

Then the darnedest thing happened.

Some racists wondered how this perceived imbalance could stand if Ferguson was 67 percent black. The presumption of leftist racists is that all other people are as bigoted as they are –black and white liberals think that way.

Finally, an uncommonly intelligent person for Ferguson deduced the Council’s racial split existed because the tiny white population votes and the huge black population stays home. Oh. What racism?

It was reported today that in the town of 21,000, 3,287 Ferguson residents have registered to vote since young Mr. Brown committed his daylight robbery on Aug. 9. No one knows how many are black, how many white.

It is an encouraging sign, though, for the black community because it means some blacks have been inspired to vote. Oh, that is how you elect the people you support.

USA Today said that in the last election, a mere 1,484 of 12,096 registered voters bothered to participate.

You see, friends, it was not racism at all. Shiftlessness.