Home Editor's Essays The Times Thinks up a Terrific Defense for Criminals: Everybody Does It

The Times Thinks up a Terrific Defense for Criminals: Everybody Does It


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]For the second time in 9 days, the Los Angeles Times carried a presumably sober editorial this morning stoutly defending the poor dumb black thugs — repeat, they are poor, they are ignorant,  they are largely black and they are entirely thugs — who have been caught up in the latest sleazy Acorn scandal.

Even if you don’t watch Fox News, you must have heard how Acorn dupes across the country were nailed and splattered, on videotape, counseling a couple on how to defraud the government. Over and over, it happened in Acorn offices where the crooked employees are trained to cheat, and have been getting away with this gutter behavior for decades.

I Ain’t Guilty, I Ain’t, I Ain’t

Such un-Scoutlike conduct follows last year’s scandal when Acorn made up thousands to  millions of phony names in its voter registration drive. Some  even went to jail. The Los Angeles Times, always cool about lawbreaking, blew a puff of smoke from its marijuana cigarette, spitshined its brown-and-white wingtips, and said in its editorial, Hey, Baby, everybody else does it.

I will wager that Scott A.  Ansman, the  National Guard veteran  convicted of killing his girlfriend, probably could have fended off a guilty finding if only he had remembered to say last May to the dumb judge, Hey, Baby, everybody else kills.

Those darned clever Democrats think of nearly everything. The  Soulful Strut  must have been named in their honor.

And the payoff  — trust me, when you are talking Democrat and poor and black, there is a payoff — the shabby organization receives tens of millions of dollars from Washington. Until recently, Acorn was scheduled to have billions more lavished on its larcenous little community organizing hear, thanks heavily to that great organizer from the sky, President Titanic.

If serious journalism still prevailed in America, the struggling Times would have been laughed to the sidelines, starting with its silly, baseless headline, “Picking on Acorn.”

Time Out for a Little Dishonesty

These are the same remarkably dishonest Times’ journalists who look out a window to observe a snowstorm. They report to you that it is not snowing, but they hand you a heavy coat, gloves and snowshoes just in case you need them to stay warm in the balmy, non-snowy weather.

Here is the crux of the Times’s position:

The Times is defending these scoundrels for three distinct, vitally instructive reasons — they are poor, they are black, and they are perhaps irretrievably dumb.

These legally toothless Acorns ain’t got hardly any book learnin’. And when it comes to street smarts, they are dimmer than a flashlight with no batteries.

Perfect foils, deadpan fools for the Democrats’ plotting.

Liberals play these vulnerable ding-dongs — who populate Acorn offices from coast to coast — like a Toys ‘R Us piano.

Ain’t hardly anybody out there in Newspaperland contradicting them, either, since most working journalists believe the whole Democrat bible.

With the cooperation of liberal newspapers and television networks across the country, Democrats have been scamming these so-willing victims for a lifetime.

One motivation for the scam is for Democratic politicians to deviously convert these helpless ghetto wretches into their personal shields.

President Titanic, an old Acorn alum, effectively, turned this into an art form that became his springboard to the White House, where he wanders around at night like Marley’s ghost.

Grinning with deceitful pride, Dems wave the scalps of their good deed — They Are Poor, They Are Black, They Are Ignorant, And We Are Saving Them, Halleluia —  around their heads as if they were unfurling an American flag in wartime.

Look how we are helping the underclass, Democrats from President Titanic down to the hometown Dems bray to their millions of uninformed, true-believing followers. How else could President Titanic have gotten himself elected last year unless he fully fooled the uninformed? They serve a precious purpose for liberals.

Like President Titanic, these Dems are as unsubtle as a biff on the nose.

How can this happen in a wide-open, shrunken media world? Because many of America’s strongest power brokers are philosophically sleeping alongside these perennial crooks.

It is immutable liberal doctrine, as you know, that they equate poverty with sainthood — the more impoverished you are, the more heroically you will be represented, to be defended in newspapers such as the Times until their last dishonest breath.