Home Editor's Essays The Real Obama Is Measured When He Huddles with Abbas...

The Real Obama Is Measured When He Huddles with Abbas and Netanyahu


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]Barack Obama has designed a very tightly knit personalized Obama-centric agenda to accomplish in his first four years that brings his Muslim compatriots into his inner most circle and throws Jews out with last night’s garbage. .

While he denies that he is our first Muslim President, the self-adoring Mr. Obama is influenced and governed by his overwhelmingly strong Muslim instincts.

Those psychological shards of broken-glass are guaranteed to pit him against Israel at every juncture en route to peace accords that will not  — repeat, not — be achieved in our lifetime.

You ain’t heard nothing yet. Wait until his next Humiliate America outing in six days.

When our first Muslim President addresses what he, with typical immodesty, calls “the Muslim world” next Thursday in Cairo, Jews should cower and hide. This occasion figures to be the Muslim terrorists’ version of a debutantes’ ball as Mr. Obama continues his campaign to transform Arab  terrorists into our instant pals and good friends, like  Israel, into ogres.

Unlike any of his 11 Presidential predecessors since Israel gained statehood in 1948, Mr. Obama is exclusively committed to making Israel march to his Muslim-fueled drumbeat. Interpreted, this means replacing Israel as the Middle Eastern country of primary favor with any of  a  plate full of dictator-run Muslim governments.

Sadly, there is nothing ephemeral about the President’s present conduct.

This is the real Obama.

Now You See Him, Now You Don’t

We only occasionally have glimpsed this rarely exposed view of the angriest, most arrogant, most narcissistic President of our lifetime. When it happened during last year’s campaign, aides would quickly throw a blanket over him and tell us we did not see what we had just witnessed.

When Kim Jong Il, the lunatic dictator of  North Korea, pranced onto the world stage this  week flashing his fancy nuclear arsenal, Mr. Obama scarcely noticed. He was so caught up with fundraising in Beverly Hills and sharing I-Am-a-Victim-Too stories with Sonia Sotomayor. America’s newspapers, slavishly loyal to the President, cooperated by playing the stories far away from their front pages.

Exasperatingly and revealingly, Mr. Obama plays footsie with the world’s worst regimes — Iran, North Korea, Venezuela — while calculatedly spitting into the eye of Israel, the only democracy, and until last Jan. 20, our best friend and arguably only reliable ally in the Middle East.

Duped Jews who voted for Mr. Obama last November should be cringing again this morning if they value their heritage, which may not  be presumed.

I am convinced the vile dictators of North Korea, Iran and Venezuela view the philosophically squishy Mr. Obama as their own personal stooge. They laugh at him the same way our grandparents laughed at what Edgar Bergen made Charlie McCarthy say.

Mr. Obama will do and say whatever they want.

Remember These Words

Scoff, if you will. But preserve these words for later inspection.

With Mr. Obama’s election,  North Korea, Iran and Venezuela have drawn a four- or eight-year pass to frolic, to do anything they want without facing American opprobrium. They have no sanctions or any other form of artificial penalties to worry about from this President.

It is as if they have invaded our home late at night loaded with weapons, taken us hostage, and only they will give orders.

Mr. Obama, essentially, has allowed himself to be reduced to saying, “Yes, sir.”

You slump deeper into your chair.

You reflect on a former time, merely months ago under the reviled Bush II administration, when dictators were treated as the threatening enemies they are and friendly nations, such as Israel, were valued guests.

Just four months along, our formerly familiar universe is upside down.

Mr. Obama, the pseudo-Muslim, refuses to take seriously Iran’s regularly belched threat to destroy Israel.  His latest obsession is  the amorphous  world of Israeli “settlements,” a pejorative term in itself.
The dictators of these three totalitarian countries would not hesitate to throw the President of the United States out of a window, at least figuratively, as if he were a lifeless, spineless rag doll.

As they used to say in the 1950s and  ‘60s, the nuclear-threatened world may once again be on the brink of an explosion, and  Mr. Obama  endlessly drones on with his already tireless tirades against America’s true friends.

Not exactly inexplicably, the extremely soft Mr. Obama and his minions have spent this week hammering Bibi Netanyahu, the conservative and pragmatic Prime Minister of Israel.

Mr. Obama and his minions, especially including harsh-talking Secretary of State Clinton, have let Mr. Netanyahu know this  week, very publicly, that there will be a bitter price to pay if he fails  to promptly halt settlement expansion and forcibly remove other outposts built on what the President creatively labels “Palestinian lands.”.

Once the  settlements have been controlled, says the self-denying Muslim sympathizer, Arabs, who have angrily rejected every single Israeli peace offer for 61 consecutive years, will see the sunshine, lay down their massive weaponry, lock arms with the Jews of the Middle  East  and dance into  the sunset.

Even a Muslim President realizes that this sounds more like Mother Goose than  Abbas, the terrorist leader of the Palestinian Authority, now cast  by America and western Europe  as the  “good terrorists.”

Abbas, the leader of the Fatah movement in the West Bank and also a stout, unrepentant denier of the Holocaust, made goo-goo eyes at our pliable President yesterday at the White House  in their very
favorably reported meeting.

Abbas said if Israel will agree to embrace the so-called Arab Peace Initiative —

• Relinquishing all claims on historic Judea and Samaria in the West Bank,

• All claims on East Jerusalem,

• All  claims on the Golan Heights while

• Releasing all Palestinian prisoners while

• Offering resettlement within Israel for millions of Arabs —

only then will the Muslims of the West Bank consider recognizing Israel’s right to exist.

Astounding, right? The lying, killing Muslims — some of  whom live openly in this town —  have whistled variations of this same tune, officially, since 1948, but more accurately since Mohammed left this  world in 632.

Our President has placed his faith in these terrorists, and he is threatening Israel, nose to nose.

We live in a tragic day.