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Swish Brings Down a Hammer on Israel While Winking at the Smiling Dwarf


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Lest anyone entertain the markedly inaccurate notion that last Sunday night’s victory for healthcare reform magically catapulted Swish from the junk heap of failed Presidents to the front row of the mightiest, try to digest the following before choking:

While Swish and his brass knuckled bully boys brazenly roughed up Bibi Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, every day he was in Washington this week, alternately overtly snubbing and belittling him, guess what Smiling Dwarf was sitting over in the corner giddily playing with matches?

About the time he was officially inaugurated (not self-ordained) 14 months ago, President Swish said that as the acknowledged leader of the world, he was not going to let Iran go nuclear.

Confident that he could talk any world leader into or out of anything, Swish said he wanted to give peace a chance and test how negotiating with Iran would go before punishing them.

The record will show Swish knew exactly what he was saying.

He never had any intention of penalizing Iran, and by golly, he has not.

Getting “Tough”

He said he would sit the Smiling Dwarf down and talk to him like a Kenyan Uncle.

He would sternly explain, wink-wink, it wasn’t nice to threaten to obliterate the Jewish state. And besides, he, Swish, was taking heat to make Iran abandon its steadily (and surreptitiously) expanding nuclear program.

“My turn to talk,” said the Smiling Dwarf. He reminded Swish that he had delivered $50 million (off the books) to his White House campaign in July of ’08 with the caveat that Swish would never bug him about his nuclear complex.

Meekly, Swish assented.

That was about the last time the words “Smiling Dwarf” or “Persian threatening to burn down the world” crossed Swish’s lips.

Meanwhile, since that meeting 20 months ago, the midget monster running Iran fearlessly has stepped out of the shadows.

Who Is Afraid?

He knows Swish will not bring down the hammer. And so, audaciously, the Smiling Dwarf openly proceeds with Iran’s nuclear program.

You can always find a sleepy-eyed Persian mullah to say “We are assembling a nuclear arsenal for peaceful domestic purposes only” while in the very next room the Smiling Dwarf is pledging to bomb Israel into Eastern Standard Time, as he does every week.

And so this is the most mesmerizing psychological conundrum of the Obama administration:

The President goes bristlingly crazy every day for two weeks, angrily warning Israel by golly it better not build homes for Jews in Jewish East Jerusalem while he pretendd that the Smiling Dwarf, his largest campaign donor, has converted himself into an altar boy who loves the whole darned world.

When I opened my favorite morning newspaper today to Page 3, I was greeted by this scary headline:

“West softens proposed Iran sanctions.”

As Swish watchers on the left and right have learned in the past year, Swish’s word has a shorter shelf life than ice cream in an overheated oven.

No matter how menacingly the Smiling Dwarf performs, Swish is not going to discipline him. In his own closed mind, he won’t be busting a promise because he never had any intention of imposing discipline.

What a bizarre, and dangerous, Presidency.

Swish acts as a hardline proxy for the Palestinian, hoping to seduce pliable Jews out of any Jewish land he can snooker from them while pretending the Smiling Dwarf is toothless and lives on another planet. Once again, Swish is at least 50 percent wrong.